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Jade's POV

After quickly getting changed into some dry clothes, Lauren handed me my phone and I sighed when I saw loads of missed calls and unread messages from the girls.

"I am really sorry about walking in on you like that." Lauren apologised as we walked to the park.

"Don't be daft, I should be the one saying sorry...I shouldn't well...I shouldn't have been doing that stuff with her in the first place."

"But she's your girlfriend." Lauren paused and put her hand on my arm. "She is your girlfriend right?"

I nod my head and she laughs whilst placing her hand over her heart. "I thought I got it all wrong."

"Nope. She's my girlfriend...But even though she is my girlfriend, it doesn't mean I have to sleep with her. I just got lost in the moment but I can promise this...Nothing like that will ever happen again. Not until I'm atleast in my twenties." I chuckle.

"Why?" Lauren asks confused.

"I want my first time to be with someone I love. Someone I trust. Someone I'm willing to give my all to. Ellie and I, we've just started dating...I don't love her. I don't trust her enough to give..This." I gesture to my body and Lauren laughs lightly. "To her. I like her and I'm happy we're dating."

"I'm happy for you but if she breaks your heart you can count on me to break her neck." Lauren laughs and I laugh whilst my eyes are wide at her. "I'm kidding. It'll probably be Dani who does all that."

A few minutes later we arrive at the park and the first thing I notice is an angry looking Dani.

"YOU!" She shouts pointing her finger at me.

"Dani stop." Amy warns her.

What's wrong with Dani? What have I done to her? I haven't seen her all day.

"You broke my sisters heart." Dani growls as she gestures to Lauren.

I raise an eyebrow and turn slightly to look at Lauren whose looking down avoiding looking at anyone. I soften my face and wrap my arms around her in a hug. I'm not sure what I've done to her hurt her...Or as Dani put it broke her heart but I'll do whatever it takes to fix it again.

Lauren doesn't hug me back she just lets her arms stay limp at her side and I'll admit that hurts a little but I deserve to feel hurt, I hurt her.

"What did I do?" I ask her but she just sniffles and I hug her tighter. "Lauren please tell me what I did so I can put it right."

I hear the other girls talking quietly but I can't understand what they're saying.

"She thinks you're going to leave her now that you're with Ellie, we've told her you won't but she won't believe us." I hear Christina say.

I pull away from Lauren, and she looks up giving me a small smile. I wipe her cheeks gently with my thumb, shaking my head slightly with a small smile of my own.

"I've said it before and I'm gonna say it again. I won't ever leave you. You're my best friend Lauren Christine Cimorelli. Nobody will ever change that. Not my family, not my girlfriend or future girlfriends. If I get married then my wife won't change my thoughts on you being my best friend. It will always be you. Sure there will be days when I'll be with Ellie all day and then there will be days when I'm with you and the others all day. Some days it'll be just you and me."

"Thanks Jay." Lauren says wrapping her arms around my neck and hugging me. I wrap my arms around her and hug her back.

"Now that's sorted, can we go get pizza?" Lisa asks causing us all to laugh.

"I'm sitting next to Jay." Lauren says moving to stand next to me, keeping her arm around my neck and I keep mine around her waist.

"Hey, we're filming a video later, you should be in it with us." Katherine says as we start to walk to the pizza place.

"What kind?" I ask.

"We're doing a cover of By The Grace Of God by Katy Perry." Amy tells me.

Oh damn...Singing. Not exactly one of my strengths.

"Uh...Thanks for the offer but no."

"Why? Come on Jadey." Lisa says poking me in the back slightly and I turn around to glare at her but she sticks her tongue out at me.

"I suck at singing." I say shrugging my shoulders casually.

"Don't lie. You're amazing." Lauren says pushing me slightly.

"Just give it a go." Dani says. "Please."

I sigh and look down, do I really wanna do this? If I do and the people watching don't like me...Then the girls could get hate and I don't want that for them. Looking back up the girls are all looking at me pouting.

"Okay okay fine!" I say throwing my arms up in the air.

"Yay!" Lauren says and hugs me as we walk.

Was that really such a good idea? I hope it doesn't bite them in the ass. I really really really hope they don't get any hate for this.

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