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Jade's POV

The Next Day

Out of the little friend group I'm in I was the first one awake and dressed for a change. I'm never first, but I'm never last. That's Lisa.

I grabbed my phone to see a few texts from Ellie and everyone else, except Lauren.

My heart dropped when I saw no new texts from her, so I decided to read the others.

These were all sent last night after I had decided to leave a few minutes after Ellie.

Katherine: Tomorrow we need to talk.

Christina: Meet us tomorrow at the park at 3

Amy: Serious chat tomorow

Dani: I hate you 😒

My eyes widen at Dani's text, what the heck did I do to make her hate me?! Unless she's just kidding, which I hope she is..

I continue to read my texts and Lisa has said something similar to what the others have said but Ellie's...Wow

Ellie: I think we need to talk about last night...Going to be honest now. I don't regret kissing you but we need to talk about where this leaves us, come to mine around 3...Please x

She doesn't regret kissing me! I could actually feel my heart doing jumps and backflips. Maybe if she doesn't regret it...Then...Maybe we could be more than friends.

My phone starts to ring and I answer it seeing as it's Lisa.


"Hey Jade...Did you really kiss Ellie last night?"

"Oh yeah." I grin. "I'm meeting her later, hopefully she'll be my girlfriend."

"You can't date her." Lisa says quickly.

"Why can't I?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

She let's out a nervous laugh and I just get even more confused. "Oh you know...Because you've only known her a month, maybe she's just using you to get to us."

"Lisa..." I say slowly.

"Jade." She says copying me.

"Do you have a crush on me?"

She starts to laugh...Alot and loudly. "No! I don't. I just think you'll be rushing things if you do date her. Take it slow and be safe."

She hangs up and I just sit on my bed really confused...She invited Ellie to the party last night. She said you're welcome when she arrived. She must have known Ellie liked me so why was she changing her mind? Either she has a crush on me or she has a crush on Ellie...Unless she just did it for a laugh.

Sighing I grab my Harley Quinn snapback and put it on, before making my way downstairs.

"Hi Trouble." I smile at Daryl as he greets me.

I walk into the kitchen to see my parents whisper arguing about something but as soon as they see me they stop.

"You alright darling?" Mum asks as she walks over to me and wraps her arm around my shoulder and gives me a side hug.

I look down and nod my head. "Yeah. I'll be okay."

"We saw you and Ellie." My Dad says and I feel myself blush.

"Aww she's blushing." My Mum says as she pokes my cheek and I quickly move away.

"You're so annoying." I groan causing them to laugh. "I'm gonna go out for a bit."

The Girls Next Door - A Cimorelli StoryWhere stories live. Discover now