Fifty Six

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Jade's POV

The Next Day

I threw my backpack on the back seat in the car and slammed the door shut. It's come too quick. I shouldn't even be happening.


I turn around to see my Dad walking towards me and I look down at the ground. "We're leaving in ten...Go say bye to Lauren and her family."

I nod my head slowly and walk to the Cimorelli house and before I can knock the door opens and Christina is stood there with a sad smile.

"Come in."

I enter the house and I'm quickly pulled into a tight hug. "You call every night. We'll Skype whenever we can. Stay in contact with us." Dani begs.

"I will, I will I promise." I hug her back.

The next one to hug me is Lynne and Mike which surprises me. "Don't be a stranger." Mike smiles.

I smile back and the boys give me a quick hug before Amy and Katherine hug me.

"You really made our sister happy. She's lucky to have you." Amy says.

"I'm lucky to have her...She's such an amazing girl and no amount of distance will stop me loving her."

I feel someone hug me from behind and I turn my head to see Lisa.

"Please don't go."

"I wish I didn't have to."

She pulls away walks so she's in front of me and wipes her eyes.


A few moments go by and Lauren still hasn't come down. I sigh and walk up the stairs not caring that my Mum and Dad are probably freaking out about the time.

I knock on her bedroom door and then enter the room.

"Before you speak, let me." She says as I close the door. "You are the best thing in my life. When we first met and got to know eachother I felt like I found someone to actually call mine. Sure I didn't have feelings for you then but I knew you were mine. MY friend. MY best friend. Someone who got me. Someone I knew wouldn't leave me like my other friends had done. Then I got feelings for you and that turned my World upside down especially when you got with Ellie because that killed me inside. But you eventually gathered your senses and became my girlfriend. The first person I fell in love with. The first person I gave my all to and now it's being taken away from me. I know you said that it'd work and we'd talk everyday but I can't go through with it. You're getting what you wanted your old life back. Don't bother staying in contact with me or my family. Just forget about me and them...Forget about us."

My jaw dropped and I felt like I was about to pass out. The girl I fell in love with is breaking up with. Not even allowing us to be friends. My heart is breaking.

"I wanna fight for you, fight for us...But I respect your choice. I will never forget you and the amazing time we've had together...Lauren Cimorelli I will always think of you. I love you."

She gets up from her bed and hugs me.

"I love you too." She managed to say as her voice cracked and the tears poured down her face. "A part of me will never stop."

I cupped her face gently and began to cry myself as I connected her lips in a slow and passionate kiss. I could taste her tears, I could feel them mixing with my own.

"Thank you for saving my life." She whispers pulling away.

I laugh and shake my head, kissing her once more.

"If you have any problems...Don't hesitate to contact me...I will always..ALWAYS be here for you."

She smiles and walks forward, causing me to walk backwards. She gently pushes me out of her room, looking so heart broken.

"Goodbye." She says before closing the door and locking it.

I bite my lip and walk downstairs slowly and say a quick goodbye to everyone. They all wrap their arms around me in a group hug and I begin to cry harder.

"I'll miss you all."

I walk out of the door and I'm greeted with my parents parked outside the Cimorelli house.

"Hurry up or we'll miss our flight." My Mum snaps.

I turn around and wave at everyone before walking to the car and jumping in. I roll down my window and everyone starts to shout bye to me...But I ignore them. I look up and see Lauren watching out of her bedroom window. I wave to her but she turns her back on me.

I will be with you again Lauren. I don't know when. I don't know where...But we will be together. I will find you. Even if I'm dying I'll find you.

I promise.


A/N: My first ever Cimorelli story is FINISHED!!! WTFFFFFF!!?!?!?!!? I didn't expect so many people to read it. But thank you for reading and voting and commenting and just being awesome!!! There will be a sequel and I know I changed some things but it was all in the moment. I don't know when the sequel will be up, maybe in a few days. I have a name for it already: Touring With Cimorelli.

So that's a little clue as to what it's going to be about and what will happen.

Thanks again everyone!

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