Fifty Two

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Jade's POV

We walk to the park hand in hand, and all I feel is love but dread. I don't know how she'll react but I know it'll break her heart. I can't do that to her. I don't want to...But I have to.

She walks closer to me and untangles her hand from mine and wraps her arm around my waist and I rest mine against her shoulders.

As we're walking she notices something waddling on the ground and starts to 'aww' as she realises it's a duckling.

"It's so cute!" She sqeuals earning a little 'quack'.

"Just like you." I smile pressing a kiss against the side of her head.

I hear her groan and she slaps my chest gently causing me to laugh slightly.

"Race you." She says as she takes off running.

"HEY I WASN'T READY!" I yell as I run after her.

We weave in and out of people, I nearly bump into a little kid who is running after his ball but I manage to move to the side before colliding with him.

Parents need to keep a closer eye on their kids.

I hear Lauren's laughter as she stops at the lake and does a little victory dance as I reach her.

I wrap my arms around her and begin to kiss her. I don't care if people are watching, she's mine to hold. Mine to kiss. Mine forever.

She wraps her arms around my neck and I rest my hands on her hips and pull away.

"I don't know how to word it but I might as well just say it. Like ripping a plaster off."

"A plaster?"

"Band Aid."

"Ohh." She pushes me away gently and crosses her arms. "What's wrong?"

"I'm leaving tomorrow. They brought the date forward."

Her arms drop to the side and she walks behind me so I turn around and walk backwards slightly.

"So...All of last night was a goodbye date...We slept together...You used me for your own sexual needs."

"What!?" I gasp. "No. No. If you weren't ready we wouldn't have slept together. I would never use you like that."

"Uh huh sure. I've seen comments and Tweets about how I'm one of the fittest Cimorelli's. The other being Lisa and how people wanna date us and have sex with us. You made me believe you like me and you used me. And now you're moving away."

"That's not true! And you know it! You're just mad and upset."

"You're right. I'm sorry. I just...I don't want you to go. I love you Jade."

I wrap my arms around her in a tight hug. "I love you too Lauren Cimorelli."

She pulls away and the tears stream down her face and it breaks my heart.

"I love you. But you're leaving. I never want to see you again." She says before using all her strength and pushing me in the lake.

"Lauren!" I shout after her as I watch her walk away. "Come back." I whisper.

The tears start to form in my eyes as I stand up, but I fall back down again as I slip on a rock.

"You okay there?"


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