The Escape: Chapter Two

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Sunset in Arendelle was a sight to see. The way the colours ignited the sky, reds, oranges, and yellows, made it look as if the sunlight melted into darkness. beauty reflected off the clouds, amplifying every colour. At sunset, King Agnarr planned for that warmth and beauty to set fire to the ballroom. 

A row of knights lined the castle walls, shining beneath the torches, directing visitors to the grand ballroom. The richness and prestige of the kingdom surrounded their path. Golden banners marked with the blue dragon of Arendelle soared overhead. A slow melody filled the backgrounds as guests arrived. 

Decorated to match the sunset, the ballroom shimmered with blue and silver banners. A soft breeze floated through the room, rustling the flags, making the colours dance. Yellow and white roses decorated the tables, invigorating the sense as their sweet aroma floated through the air.

King Agnarr walked about the ballroom, appraising the gathering crowd. Royalty from the north and prominent merchants from the west and south intermixed with villagers. The room overflowed with possibilities.

Nodding to several people, he pressed his way through the thickening crowd on his way to the front stairs. His smile grew in anticipation. Surely one of these men would win over his daughter.

He raised his glass of wine above his head and addressed his guests.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for coming this evening." He cleared his throat and looked around. "I know you have travelled a great distance, and I assure you, it was worth it." A light chuckle broke out as he continued."It is my greatest pleasure to welcome you to the kingdom of Arendelle, and to this royal ball celebrating Princess Elsa's Birthday and betrothal. As a child, she dreamed of adventure. Alas, ruling a kingdom does not allow much time for adventures. So, I must entrust that to one of you. Tonight, it's my hope that someone will win her heart. That one of you will join the kingdom of Arendelle for a prosperous future, provide for my daughter, and give her the adventure she has dreamed of."

He watched the eligible men crowd at the base of the stairs, waiting for her entrance. Their etiquette disappeared as they strove for the first advantage, fighting amongst themselves for a better position. 

King Agnarr raised his hand for silence.

"It is my pleasure to introduce my daughter, the rose of our valley, the fire in our sunset, our beautiful Princess Elsa." The crowd roared as they waited for her entrance.Trumpets burst into action with an escalating fanfare.

Bringing his glass to his lips, he savoured the sweet taste. His eyes twinkled with hope.


Butterflies stampeded around in her stomach as Elsa paced the hallway. Proper entrance protocol required that she wait until the formal introductions ended. Until then, she had no choice but to worry behind a velvet curtain about her father's intentions. 

One of her father's personal attendants guarded her path. She knew this by the royal rest, a Silver dragon, sewn on the steward's tunic. He had never sent one of his personal attendants before. She wondered about the extra security until she remembered their earlier argument. A smile flickered on her lips. Maybe he had a reason to be concerned about her behaviour. 

"It's almost time, Princess," the steward said, giving her smile.

She returned his smile with one of her rehearsed ones, hiding her fears behind a wall of formality.

The trumpets sounded and, slowly, the man pulled the curtain to the side, creating a small path for her. It was time. She ran the back of her hands across her forehead and fluffed her hair before walking through. 

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