Dragon's Gate: Chapter Thirteen

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The red banners of Arendelle streaked through the sky as the king and his knights charged out of the castle. The warm winds of the afternoon brushed against them as the steel gates slammed shut. Stealing a quick glance backwards, King Hiccup saw the charred surface of the castle walls, the burned flags, and haphazardly hanging banners. He clenched his jaw to stop the gut-wrenching feeling from spreading. His childhood home was at war again, and this time he would save it himself. He charged through the village.

They rode past the tournament field, noting the piles of ash that continued to fall from the brittle beams. The strength of its foundation was damaged beyond repair. Hiccup took in the ruins, the few salvageable pieces, and steeled himself for the responsibility ahead.

He fixed his gaze on the dragon, perched atop the tallest trees along the forest edge, and charged through the curved roads leading past the village. The trees swayed beneath the dragon's weight as it opened its wings and swung its long tail around. The large head swivelled, watching them with dark, beady eyes.

The dragon followed Hiccup's path carefully. As soon as they reached the wheat field separating the village from the forest, it took to the sky. Brandishing his sword, Hiccup ordered his men to spread out over the field, positioning for the attack.

"Arrows, on my mark," he yelled. "Now!"

The air filled with arrows.

The silver dragon swooped high, darting quickly to the side to avoid the arrows. Its tail, a spade-shaped spike, carved the air, as fluid as a serpent and precise as a bird. The beast's shriek rumbled through the air, and Hiccup covered his ears as the sound struck him. His breath caught in his chest as the dragon met his eyes in challenge.

Closing in on the forest edge, he kicked his horse one final time. The dragon spat fire in their path. His horse reared up as the flames claimed several of the bushes around him. Sulphur smoke filled their eyes and noses, making it hard to see or think. With a quick wave, he ordered his men further into the forest until the canopies covered the sky and hid them from the dragon.
Small glimmers of silver shone through the open patches above them. Hiccup looked up, watching the shadow pass overhead, listening to its shrieks. An idea formed in his head. His men came quickly at his call, their faces smudged with dirt and soot.

King Hiccup kept his voice down and drew his plan on the ground. They dropped their face-plates and moved back, creating a wide circle around him.

He lifted his hand and counted down on his fingers. When he reached zero, he threw his head back and roared. He screamed with every ounce of emotion, every bit of rage, calling up his battle cry to the dragon.

Answering his call, the branches above him burst into flame. Burning embers fell down on him, small burns catching beneath his armour, sizzling, refreshing his memory of his father. He screamed as the dragon burst through the trees above him, sending a flurry of leaves and branches around him. His men watched as Hiccup raced recklessly towards it, his sword raised high.

With a great jump, Hiccup threw himself at the dragon, bouncing off with a thud. He swung his sword over and over, connecting with the scales. The sword slid off, leaving the scales unscathed. He watched his men charge from all sides, unable to penetrate the dragon's natural armour.

"We will not lose, we cannot lose! Show her what Arendelle does to dragons," Hiccup yelled, desperation in his voice as he chopped at the scales.

In response, the dragon roared up, twisting its long neck and tail. It swung at the men, knocking them off their feet and throwing them into the tree trunks.

The dragon's neck recoiled as it focused on Hiccup, lying still at the base of a tree. Without his helmet, the deep welts and circles under his eyes were darkened by soot. Soft circles of smoke puffed from the dragon's nostrils as it walked closer.

Hiccup's head pounded, and nausea rolled over him in a wave as he tried to sit up. When he re-opened his eyes, the dragon stared at him, face to face. Digging his feet in the ground, Hiccup pushed himself back as far as he could, against the base of the tree. His only way outstared him in the eyes. Jumping to his feet, he grabbed for his sword and took a deeper stance.

"It looks like it's just you and me then," he said under his breath, fire in his eyes.

He feinted to the left and darted to the right, catching enough speed to move behind the dragon's neck and scurry onto its back. His leather shoes slid down the slick surface of the scales. Fear gripped him as he lost traction, and his fingers slipped off the soft ridges. In the last effort, he grabbed his daggers, slamming them into its back at an upward angle to penetrate between the overlap of the scales.

Hiccup threw his head back and a wave of relief rushed through him. Looking around from the neck of the dragon, Hiccup saw exactly what they needed to do to bring her down. The dragon was big, powerful, and awkward in the small space between trees. If they led her towards the denser trees, there might be a chance to restrain her wings and pin her down. It seemed to be a long shot, but right now it was their only option."

Hiccup whistled for his knights' attention. Their heads shot up, watching him circle his arms, gesturing their strategy. In the blur of a moment, his men scurried off.

Hiccup took a deep breath and rubbed his brow, feeling his sweat drip off to the side. His heart pounded in anticipation as the dragon's wings bounced, trying to knock him off its neck. Hiccup laughed heartily, relishing the thrill of control.

One by one, he carefully removed the daggers and plunged them higher to climb the narrow neck. He climbed slowly, careful to keep his movements balanced.

Without warning, the dragon rammed herself into the branches of the trees. Hiccup barely held on, sputtering as branches stuck in his hair, nearly knocking him off. Twigs jabbed him as it turned around and rubbed its long neck along the rough bark.

He gritted his teeth, fighting the pain in his back, and looked up at his gleaming dagger, ready to end it all. One more deep plunge, he thought, pulling the dagger loose.

His left foot slipped on a falling leaf, leaving him hanging, suspended by one knife. Hiccup held on in desperation, knowing two things for sure. If he dropped from here, he would be injured, and if he didn't, he'd probably still get hurt. His breath started to sting as his throat tightened between the two choices. There wasn't time to decide. The dragon leapt to the other side, swinging Hiccup from the back of its neck to the front. He now hung beneath its powerful jaw. The dragon bent down. Hiccup's fingers slipped and his body slithered down the scales, landing with a thud by its feet.

His head pounded. He opened his eyes to see a big mouth, small black eyes, and a cruel dragon smile.

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