Dragon's Gate: Chapter Sixteen

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"Hiccup!" Elsa yelled. She crouched behind the nearest tree as the powerful wings of the dragon whooshed by in its escape to the sky. Closing her eyes, she leaned back against the tree, feeling her heart about to burst.

"We have to get out of here." Her voice shook as she looked down at her burned forearm, where the scale necklace had rested. Blisters bubbled on her delicate skin. She threw her head back in despair, feeling the rough bark grab her hair. Her eyes flooded with tears as the pain on her arm flared up. Ripping a strip from the bottom of her gown, she winced as she wrapped it around the burn.

Her hair swept in front of her face as she knelt, peeking around the base of the tree. She needed to be out there. Her brother and her people were in danger. Through the thick brush and forest trees, she saw her men crouched in position. Silver flashes reflected off the armour, and the poorly-hidden banners of her kingdom announced their location. At least fifty of them hid beneath the bushes and behind trees, waiting for the dragon's return. In the middle of it all stood her brother, sword raised, watching the sky.

He looked older than she remembered. His soft smile hid beneath a clenched jaw, and his eyes showed no hint of emotion or fear. Instinctively she ran toward him and stopped when he turned to face her. Her heart dropped. Staring back at her was the same look she had seen on her father so many times. A moment of hurt flickered on her face.

"What are you doing here? You should be safe, up north, as planned." His eyes demanded an answer.

"Hiccup, you won't believe it," she said excitedly. The anger in his eyes wavered.

Elsa turned and saw Anna peeking out from behind the entrance to the cave, her pale face and wide eyes bright against the darkened tunnel.

Hiccup's eyes hardened as he looked back to Elsa. "You brought her? I thought she would be safe with you." His voice caught slightly. He clenched his jaw and kicked the ground. "Why are you here? What do you expect to do?"

"Hiccup, look, I didn't mean to alarm you," she said quietly, with a meaningful glance back toward Anna, who was now huddled in Kristoff's arms. She looked him in the eyes. "I'm here to help. We found it. We know why the dragon is back."

At that moment, the dragon burst down through the canopied trees, sending branches flying around them and sparks of flame to the ground. Elsa screamed as the dragon roared behind them. Small embers struck her back.

"You need to leave," Hiccup said, brushing past her to engage the dragon.

Branches swung at her as she turned around, watching in horror as Hiccup approached the dragon with his sword raised high. Reflecting their brilliant rainbows over the darkened trunks of the forest, its scales matched Elsa's necklace perfectly. Its long neck twisted beneath the trees, awkwardly reacting to the swords as the men jumped on it from all angles, pinning its wings down.

Elsa closed her eyes, wishing the scene would disappear from her mind. Opening them slowly, she gazed at the green bandage on her forearm.

Taking a deep breath, she felt her heart slow and her mind focus. Stepping out from behind the tree, she pulled out her glowing necklace and looked at the men fighting. With slow steps, she walked among them, avoiding the dragon's thrashing wings and the spreading fires, until she stood beside her brother. Their grunts echoed through the forest as they charged the dragon, grabbing her wings and pinning her down according to the king's plan.

Fear gripped her heart, forcing her to act. "Hiccup, stop!" She yelled, commanding all their attention. The clattering of swords and shields came to an abrupt stop. "Hiccup, I know how we can end this peacefully."

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