Dragon's Gate: Chapter Seven

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As the village slept, the castle hummed with activity. In accordance with the king's orders, Prince Hiccup's coronation would be held at dawn. Rooms were set, food prepared, flowers arranged, the required ceremonial items displayed. Even on the brink of attack, a coronation and royal wedding required necessary planning and attention. As the kingdom went through its transformation, the king's personal stewards worked on Hiccup.

A growing line of people ran in and out of Hiccup's chamber, pinning robes, changing sashes, and positioning the consume just right. Ceremonial words flooded his mind, jumbling together as he watched his image change. The royal robe, heavier than he imagined, weighed on his shoulders. Its soft velvet lining, rich texture, and embroidered symbols spoke volumes of the history of the kingdom and the king before him. An unfamiliar face stared back at him: the image of a man, but the uncertainty of a boy in his eyes.

"Your Highness," one of the stewards coughed, peeking in. "It's time."

Prince Hiccup took a deep breath and a last look in the mirror, watching the boy disappear under guarded eyes. "It's time," he agreed, looking at the men and walking forward. 

The trumpets ran out, their song of triumph, celebration, and ceremony welcoming each guest. The hall had been decorated extravagantly throughout the night in preparation for the two ceremonies to take place that day. The windows were covered in respect for the King Agnarr, but the inside bloomed with the colours of the kingdom. Bright reds cascaded down the walls from their banners; yellow and white roses were displayed at the edge of each row and in the corners. Golden accents glittered in the candlelight, and the dim light heightened the reverence in the hall.

The hall filled quickly. The visiting royals were escorted to the front, with jack and his knights acting as ushers. The back overflowed with the remaining villagers and merchants. Princess Elsa sat in the front row, her face masked as she watched the room fill with darkened eyes. The room was silent. Sombre reflections on every face.

Pabbie slowly walked forward through the aisle to his commanding position up front. Although his hood covered his face, Elsa clearly pictured his solemn expression, a blend of acceptance and reflection. Clothes in a new green robe with golden embroidery along the edges, he cradled a leather-bound book to his chest. She recognised the golden spirals along the edge of the spine. A hint of a grin peeked out from beneath his hood as he theatrically pulled it back.

Pabbie raided his arm.

"Ladies and Gentleman of Arendelle, visiting dignitaries, guards and guests, we are gathered here today to mark the coronation of a new king. We have been fortunate to have lived the majority of our lives through a period of great peace. A time of peaceful collaboration with our neighbours, understanding of our differences and an acceptance of many cultures. Alas, the times are changing. Through the past, a strong, wilful king guided our moves, stretched our minds and taught us the strength of our kingdom. We move forward today with a heavy yet proud  hearts in remembrance of our king and devotion to what he had left behind."

"What he had left behind is this," he said motioning to the back of the hall, calling the trumpeters to action as the grand doorway opened. Prince Hiccup marched forward, guided by fanfare and salutes of the band.

Princess Elsa turned her head and watched as her brother walked up the aisle. Her heart burst with pride watching the crimson robe flow around him with the same grace as her father. A familiar focus and set jaw stared back as he looked beyond her to the front. He held his head high and moved with a new maturity. Elsa blinked back her pent-up tears, feeling the culmination of his desire and respect for duty transform into reality. He was made for this.

Pabbie continued as soon as Hiccup made his forward. The music quieted.

"He had left us with a son of the same heart and mind. A son who had the vision and foresight to guide us through the tribulations ahead, and the heart to protect and provide for our best interests as we move into these uncharted time."

"Today we are gathered to crown Prince Hiccup as our king. This is not a trivial matter, nor one to take lightly. Although we move today with a sense of urgency and focus on matters outside this room, we do not detract from the gravity of this action." His eyes moved beyond Hiccup to the people watching.

"Today, we take an oath as well, to place our lives and our trust in this man. If there is any dispute to be made, speak now." The crowd hushed as Pabbie moves closer to Hiccup.

"With the silence of their acceptance, and the strength of your character, I am proud to move forward with the coronation," he said, holding up the leather book.

As Pabbie spoke of duties and responsibilities of being king, Princess Elsa watched, transfixed.

Visions of the times her father restricted her to her room over defiance of an order, the way he calmly but efficiently moved obstacles from her reach, and the simplicity and finality of his orders filled her head. Painful memories, as well, of broken promises as meetings and formalities kept him away. Hard lessons had been learned as the adventurous gifts were withheld in return for safer alternatives. He had reigned as king and father over her, guiding her with the same love that guided the kingdom. As she let the tears trail down her cheeks, she at once felt the depth of his love and recognised the only way he knew how to offer it.

"Now, Prince Hiccup, please kneel," Pabbie said, bringing her back to the present. As he turned to present the crown, soft gasps rung through the crowd. Polished anew with additional sparkling jewels adorning the outer ridges, the royal crown was laid upon his head. "With this crown, we lay not only our respect but our lives and our future in your hands. Long live the new King of Arendelle, King Hiccup."

Princess Elsa's heart swelled as she looked at her brother in a new light and led the cheers of celebration.

King Hiccup turned and looked at his subjects. As cheering subsided, the hall filled with wide eyes and grim faces. Unspoken questions, concerns, and hopes hung in the air, clinging to his shoulders as the burden of the kingdom added to the weight of the crown.

"Loyal subjects of Arendelle," He started, his voice shaking a little as he searched seats for reassurance. The watched: some open with hope, some with hesitation, and others anxiously awaiting reassurance.

He lifted his chin and eyes and saw his father watching from the upper balcony. Supported by his personal attendants, King Agnarr braced himself against the edge, watching intently. His face was masked, but the glistening in his eyes, the pride, and the tenderness radiated through.

Hiccup's heart thundered at their brief connection, and he focused on what his father would have done. Channelling him and controlling his fear, he recited his speech.

"Loyal subjects of Arendelle, hear my voice. Hear my voice and rejoice with me, knowing that we have a second chance. The dragon has called, and today we answer. It can dig in its talons, spray its fire, but we will not be deterred. We can and we will show them that history holds true. We, as a kingdom, will stand tall. As your king, as your ruler, and as a man, I vow to you, we will succeed. In the legacy of my father, in the legacy of our men, Arendelle will stand, and I will lead you forward."

All signs of doubts disappeared from their eyes. The cheers echoed through the hall. he was their king. He lifted his eyes once more to the balcony, but his father was gone. Turning back, he felt a wave of disappointment disappear under the warmth of support and the loyalty of there people.

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