The Battle: Chapter Nine

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A light mist floated above the ground and beneath the forest trees. An eerie quietness clung to Prince Hans's camp as if the mist had blanketed his men minds.

The sun went down and the crickets were chirping as Prince Hand began pacing. The air grew cooler and the tension thicker as he looked each man in the eyes, terrorising each in turn. The men tried to remain calm, to appear tougher then they were. Hours passed while the silence grew, more intimidating than any words could have been.

Prince Hans scratched his chin, revealing in both the feel of the rough skin under his fingertips and the appearance of the group in front of him. In one week's time, he had gathered an army to fight for him. Maybe not the King's Knights, he thought as he watched one of his new recruits relieve himself by the fire, but it mattered not. He had enough men to achieve his goal. 

Finally, the prince stopped in front of the man wearing an amber shirt and torn dark green leggings. His brown hair with grey sides was slicked back smoothly.

"What's your name, sir?" The Prince asked, thinking he looked rather familiar.

"Sire, my name is Clayton." He jutted his chin out.

"Clayton," he mused. "That's an interesting name. Any chance you know William Clayton?" His eyebrows lifted, but the man stood still, showing no signs of recognition. William Clayton, the infamous hunter, was willing to kill any creature for the right price. His lack of scruples had earned him the nickname 'The Monster of the Woods.'

"I do not know that name, sir."

"Just as well; he is a monster, after all." Prince Hans smiled as he saw the corners of Clayton's mouth turn up at the insult, knowing he had the right man. "Either way, Clayton, you're perfect for a special job I have in mind."

"Gentlemen, woodsmen, fighting men..." Prince Hans stopped to look around. Scanning the gathering crowd he adjusted his thoughts. "On seconds thoughts, moneymen!" Everyone cheered.

"I am here to offer you what you have been dreaming of, what you have been looking for, what you have been killing for," he continued with a wink. "Too much has been withheld from us, and now it is time. We will take back what should be ours!" He thought of Elsa. 

The snow began to fall through the trees.

"Men," he yelled, raising his sword, "help me throw down the king and secure your wealth. Are you with me?"

The roar was so loud the forest animals ran deeper into the woods. The wind stopped blowing as if the kingdom was holding its breath. 

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