The Escape: Chapter Five

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The tournament grounds towered on the hillside. Colours streaked through the air. Banners waved, mingling the colour of the visiting royals and their territories with the blue of Arendelle. King Agnarr wanted each visitor to feel the power of inclusion in his kingdom. 

In preparation for the day's event, stockpiles of weapons, flags, and hay lined the entrance and service gates. The scent of freshly turned dirt mixed with the slight tang of horses in the air. Three distinct sections make up the interior field: an area for archery, the main path for the joust, and the weaponry for the mock battle.

Elsa jumped at the blaring trumpets as they walked through the main gates. The size of the crowd surprised her. Fanfare from the trumpets blasted, welcoming the continual swarm of people. In the rush of the crowd, the field came alive with excitement. Just as the ballroom seemed alive with the flowing colours of fire, the fairgrounds bloomed like a spring field. Purples, greens, reds, and blue's filled the stands, every inch a bright spectacle of beauty. 

She glided up the pathway to the upper compartments where plush chairs marked their reserved seating. King Agnarr marched to his spot and waved to the crowd. The cheers continued to deafen the stadium. Hiccup sat to the right side of his father, smiling and holding Anna's hand. Elsa saw the empty seat on the left, reserved for her. She smiled at Anna before taking a seat.

Her heart beat in rhythm with the cheers. Despite her earlier reluctance, she now felt at ease. No one stared at her here. 

In the centre of the field, the jesters amazed the crowd as they juggled fruits and balls, increasing the numbers of objects until they circled in a blur. The crowd erupted when one of the entertainers picked up a clucking hen. Even her father chuckled.

Elsa loved tournaments. She felt the energy of the people around her, laughing, enjoying the moment. At these events, she disappeared into the crowd, becoming one of the fans. No expectations weighed on her. There were no requirements.

Her gaze stayed toward her father, and she sighed. She knew today would be different. No matter how much she tried to believe he might change, she couldn't ignore the presence of gawking men. If he chose a champion for her today, her future would be finalised.

She caught her breath when her father stood and cleared his throat. It was beginning.

"Welcome, one and all," the king said. "Thank you for coming on such short notice. Most of the time we try to prepare, but what is more fun than a spontaneous contest?" He stopped for a second as the crowd laughed.

"This is a momentous occasion. My daughter, our Princess Elsa, is at the age of finding herself a husband." The crowd murmured their appreciation, and she blushed. No longer invisible in the crowd, she felt the heat in her cheeks.

The group of suitors stood together. Prince Hans, dressed in black, winked at her and nodded. His confidence amongst the other was obvious. Duke Weselton blew a kiss before sitting, and Baron Minstrel took a swig of his drink. Beside them, at least ten other men smiled at her, crowding in, vying for her attention. She frowned and looked back at her father. His plan seemed broader than she had anticipated.

"With a husband on one side, she needs a knight champion on the other."

Her stomach dropped. The audience roared in agreement and waved their flags back and forth enthusiastically. It seemed the entire crowd agreed with him.

Elsa looked up and saw her father looking at her expectantly. She shook her head and saw the warning dimple in his smile. All eyes were on her now, and she had to do something. The crowd, the suitors, her father, brother, Anna, and even the knights on the field watching. Everyone expected something from her.

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