Dragon's Gate: Chapter Fifteen

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Elsa's smile shone almost as bright as the egg within her hands. Though each was the size of a loaf of bread, their weight felt heavy to her. Her heart beat in time with the subtle pulses beneath her fingers, each pulse of light a faint measure of the sleeping dragon, knocking to be released. Her wonder deepened to sadness as she tried to imagine that depth of captivity. Dark smudges marked her hands as the dirt rubbed off the fine etchings, clearing the delicate designs, as grand as any of her embroidered gowns. Beautiful decorations, confined for safety; maybe they shared more in common than not.

While Elsa's mind wandered, her group continued their excavation, lining the rocks along the edge of the tunnel, brushing off the grime that time had layered on.

"Princess, we're ready," Pabbie said, rushing to her side, his reserved expression hiding his typical goofy charm.

"Already?" She hesitated, looking behind him to where Pabbie and the other trolls were loading the eggs into harnesses made from their extra robes.

"There's no time to spare," he breathed wearily.

On cue, Jack approached with his team, ready to go. Elsa, Anna and Kristoff would carry the eggs. The rest of the team would ensure their safety, clearing the tunnels and handling any unforeseen encounters. Elsa smiled hesitantly at the blacksmith, a giant of a man who seemed a bit too comfortable slinging his axe over his shoulder. Beyond him, the familiar face of the apothecary smiled down at her. Before she could offer more than a soft mumble of thanks, Anna's muffled cry rang out.

Struggling under the weight and complexity of the harnesses, Anna had fallen, pinned between a boulder and a line of men.

"Oh, Anna," Elsa chided under her breath, relieved at the impromptu escape.

They shared a quick laugh as Elsa gripped Anna's arms and pulled her up.

"Sharing adventures. That's what you always say, right?" Anna grinned, blowing her Strawberry-blonde hair out of her eyes.

"That's right. Sharing adventures," Elsa agreed. The trolls gathered and draped the green cloth harness around her, tightening and pulling each strap until she cried out.

After the eggs were carefully loaded, Elsa taking four and each of the others carrying three, Pabbie appeared at their side. Anna yelped as he pulled tightly, double-checking each knot, before turning to the princess.

"Are you sure?"

Elsa felt the question lingering behind his words and the unease growing in her stomach. She settled for a quick nod. She knew from the depth of her heart that this was right. Lowering her head, she focused on the cradled eggs, not the worries in her mind.

No one spoke as they walked past them. More than half the group chose to remain with Pabbie and continue their journey north to Dragon's Gate. They stood to the side, their backs pressed up against the far wall in a single line, as Jack led their team through. He, along with a few of his knights, walked up front with their torches, clearing the path. A soft crunching of footsteps and the continuous crumbling of the walls around them echoed as they walked back through the darkened tunnels.

Elsa's mind raced, replaying the sequence of events, ending with Pabbie's question. She hoped that beneath his distant gaze and raised eyebrows he understood.

The soft glow from the eggs illuminated the walls around them. With a sorrowful sigh, Elsa noticed that the etchings on the walls had disappeared, covered beneath the mounds of rock and newly-fallen dirt. Ancient drawings, messages and stories, now lost to the darkness. Cradling the eggs, she felt more determined than ever. Nothing else would be lost or forgotten in these tunnels.

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