The Battle: Chapter Seventeen

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She heard a slight ringing in the air, a slow rumbling on the ground-the charge of the horses as her men drew near. It was time. Before she knew it, the soft charge became a full-blown thunder of activity. 

The dragon banners of Arendelle raced through the air, dancing around the tree and sky. The horses snorted as they bolted through the woods, weaving in and out of trees, over rocks, and through the brush on a mission to save their princess. The king's men came quickly, and before they knew what was happening, Prince Hans's men were surrounded. Their faces contorted into strange grins as they prepared for battle. They stood defensively with their hands on their swords, their feet planted in the ground, and their voiced set in grunts and war whoops, ready to attack.

Once Princess Elsa saw the approach, she knew her time was limited. She needed to get out before someone grabbed her. Throwing her head back, she gave a quick whistle. Kristoff and his siblings swung down from the trees to grab her. Before the woodsmen even knew what was happening, Elsa was gone, disappeared before their eyes. In another moment, they were surrounded by King Agnarr's knights.

Out of breath, her chest heaving, Elsa looked at the trolls and Kristoff and smiled. From ear to ear, all four of them shared the same grin, fighting hard to hold back their excitement. They were high up in the trees and had to make it back to the tunnel before they were found out. 

Kristoff let them back in the treetops, careful to show Elsa how to balance her feet over the branches for support. They needed to move through several hundred feet of tree canopy before they could drop down and run on the ground, certain that they were beyond all the fighting men and could travel safely.

Bit by bit, slower than Elsa thought possible, they walked through the treetops, hoping to remain unseen. Carefully placing the arch f her feet on the slender branches, Elsa moved at a snail's pace, feeling the sway of the tree throughout her body. Ricking a few quick peeks at the fight, she saw bright flashes of swords and armour. She listed intently to the pace of the clanging metal, feeling her heartbeats quicken with intensity. The snorting horses, the smell of sweat, and the shrieks as woodsmen fell reassured her the battle was going well as she made her way forward. Each step lightened the weight on Princess Elsa heart.

As soon as the battle sounds grew faint, the siblings carefully lowered Elsa down to the ground in the same fashion they picked her up. She smiled as they flipped down as if they had done this sort of thing thousands of times. Kristoff gave her a knowing wink.

Wasting no time, the run as quickly as they could, jumping over rocks and dancing around trees, branches whipping their faces as they ran until familiar jumped out at them. A special rock here, a twisted tree there, the drawings in the dirt, they were back on the path to the tunnel. Her heart lifted with joy when the opening came into view. They moved deliberately, making sure no one watched as they closed the tunnel door behind them. Familiar, stuffy air surrounded them. They were safe.

Jack took a deep breath of victory around him, he saw Clayton the woodsman knocked out and Hans slowly regaining consciousness and muttering under his breath. His body weary and heavy now that the battle was done, Jack lifted his face to feel the breeze flow across his skin, cooling and re-energising him. Opening his eyes just a bit, he could see faces from the top of the walls leaning over and cheering him on. Their sweet sounds of laughter, joy, and merriment echoed down to him. 

Prince Hiccup cheered especially loudly, a smile stretched across his face. The prince patted some men on the back and pointed to the excitement. It took a moment, but guards came running towards him from the castle gates, their metal armour clanking as they disarmed and tied up the two men, then ran to Jack's side. Each man grabbed an arm and lifted him up so he was looking up the castle walls at King Agnarr. King Agnarr raised his fingers to his brown and nodded slightly in gratitude, their eyes locking for a moment. Jack lowered his head in respect and smiled as feelings of relief and exhaustion rushed through him. 

Jack held on to his companions for strength as they lifted Hans to his feet. Jack grabbed the back of Hans's arms and pushed him forward towards the gates to be led to the dungeon. Hans groaned as each step twisted his arms and hurt his bruised and broken bones. Chunks of mud fell off him while they made their way from the battlefield through the gates and onto the cobblestones. 

Little sympathy came from the men and women in the square as they dragged Hans in. They jeered at him and let their children throw stones. Those who once fled him with cries of horror now faced him with far louder shouts of condemnation.   

Hans was thrown into the corner cell, landing with a loud thump as he hit the ground and cursed beneath his breath. The cold metal clasp of the dungeon door rang strong and clear as the door closed behind him. His cheeks were bruised blue and purple, and his eyes were still bloodshot and wild, focusing in on Jack. Clenching his teeth together, he hissed like a caged animal. Jack shook his head and sighed, feeling relief in his heart. This creature was locked up. 

Jack turned to the guard he was leaning on. "Where's Elsa?"

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