The Battle: Chapter Nineteen

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Triumphant cheers echoed through the courtyard. The sunset contrasted with the castle as every shade of blue, silver, and purple proudly flashed through the air, nature waving its own banner of victory. The air smelled tangy, a sweet mixture of the wine and the happy tears of those below. Warmth filled the hearts of those dancing in honour of their knights, their kingdom, and their freedom, and the cool breeze kept the air light and fresh. Faces beamed with smiled and that had not been seen in many days.

King Agnarr stood at the front of the castle walls, overseeing the commotion below. He watched over his kingdom, happiness glowing on his face. His fingers gently rubbed his chin, and a smile played at both ends of his mouth as his eyes twinkled in the sunset. His crimson robe shone as a bright beacon, the light of freedom of those dancing. Clapping his hands in rhythm to the drums, he welcomed Pabbie to his side.

"Pabbie," the king bellowed, clapping him on the shoulder and pointing to the crowd below. "Today marks a good day."

"A very good day indeed," Pabbie said, his smiled growing as the laughter and merriment flowed through the air. His moss green robe blew gently behind him, sparkling in the wind.

"I think it is time, Pabbie. I think it is time to look at what happened and where we go from here," King Agnarr said, his voice catching slightly as the emotions of the past mixed with the emotions of the day.

Both men were silent, listening to the music in the air and watching the dancers, taking their time to find the right words.

Pabbie looked at King Agnarr. "I think our problem grew from the way we perceived events. The way you saw and felt was valid, but perspectives are unique to each person. Look out here in the courtyard. To those dancers twirling, everything around them seems to stand still. When you stop and step back and observe, as we are, you can see the movement all around. The dancers, the banners waving, the children playing, even the wind blowing. Everything is in constant flow. Depending on your perspective, your focus, sometimes small-or even large pieces can be missed." Pabbie's eyes shone.

King Agnarr rubbed his chin, taking in everything he had heard. His eyes were soft, his cheeks warm and red, and with an outstretched arm, he looked at Pabbie and smiled. "All is forgiven. All is well to move forward from here."

"That we will, for Iduna," Pabbie said with a strong grasp of his arm.

"For Iduna," King Agnarr agreed. They embraced, and years of worry, tears, fear and anger disappeared in their arms.

"Father," Prince Hiccup said, approaching the two men, kneeling to the ground.

"Son, rise," the king said. "This is a time of celebration; no formalities are needed." King Agnarr grasped his son's hand and smiled.

Hiccup smiled in return but kept his face veiled. "Father, the last few says have made something very clear to me. I chose to follow you, and these past few days have shown all that I still need to work toward. I vow to you my pledge of duty, honour, and respect."

Hiccup looked up at his father, hope glistened in his eyes, devotion evident in his set jaw. his father grasped his hand and pulled him in for a hug.

Pabbie smiled and his heart grew as he watched his kinsmen reconnect. Beyond their shoulders, Pabbie caught a glimpse of red dashing out of view. Excusing himself, he ran down the stairs to follow her. Her sobs were easy to track as they wound their way around the crowd. When he found her, she lay on the ground with her head in her hands and her strawberry-blonde hair swept to the side. Her pale skin glowed beneath the sunset sky.

"My dear Anna," Pabbie said, patting her back. "I take it you heard the prince?" He asked, helping her to a standing position. She mutely nodded, trying to calm her trembling chin, sniffling to stop the tears from flowing. Looking up at Pabbie, she sought his eyes.

"He pledged his life to duty. Where does that leave me?" She asked, her eyes imploring an answer that Pabbie could give. "I am a noble beneath his rank. I openly defied the king and helped the princess do so as well. I don't even know who I am, where I belong." She looked at him, pleading for something to give her hope.

Pabbie squeezed her hand. "We all walk a different path. Sometimes that keeps us together, sometimes it sets us apart, allowing growth or change. I cannot tell you where to look, but I can attest that there is strength in you that you don't see yet. A magic waiting to be unveiled." He looked at her deeply for a moment before closing his eyes. The wind blew through their hair.

"Yes," he said with a smile, "definitely magic waiting to be discovered." Pabbie patted her on her shoulder and laughed whimsically as he returned to the king's side.

Biting her lip, she tilted her head, watching him walk away, wondering what it was that he saw. Her eyes followed him back to the edge of the stairs and settled back on Hiccup, who stood elbow to elbow with the king.

"Excuse me, Anna?" Came a quiet voice next to her. She turned, her hair whipped around.

Kristoff smiled at her sweetly, almost shyly, holding his hand out. "It's a celebration. Would you join me for a dance?" He asked, his eyes showing hope and nervousness.

Anna took a deep breath and stole a quick glance behind her at Hiccup. Turning back to Kristoff, she flashed her biggest smile.

"Yes, its a celebration," she said, taking his hand and lifting the hem of her skirt. They ran to the centre of the square to join the fun, their laughter joining the festive around them. 

Princess Elsa sat on the edge of the fountain, leaning back into Jack's arms. Snuggling in, she felt the tingles settle into her stomach and smiled, knowing she was safe and home with her knight. Her fingers traced his as their hands entwined.

"Jack?" She asked, looking up at him, her sapphire eyes searching his face.


"Are we safe now? Where do we for from here?"

"There's only one place to go from here, my princess. We move forward."

"Where is that?" She asked, seeing secrecy in his eyes.

Letting go of her hands, he turned her so she was facing him, their eyes locked onto each other. "We go back to Dragon's Gate." His eyes twinkled as a smile grew on her face. "I have a team ready to go, we just need your father's approval before we set out."

"But how? How did you plan all this?"

"Elsa, you're in my thoughts all the time. My future is by your side. It is my job, my goal to help make all your dreams come true."

"All my dreams have come true," Elsa said, leaning toward him, pulling him close for a tender kiss. Their lips locked as the music rose around them. Tonight was a dream come true for all.

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