The Escape: Chapter Eighteen

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The sun had begun to set by the time Jack fully woke up. She had taken them back to her camp. It wasn't improved from her first attempts, but it provided a feeling of security for her. She knelt at his side, fanning her hands in front of his face.

"Are you all right?" She asked when he opened his eyes.

He grimaced as he sat up, clutching at his chest. "I'm all right, just a little surprised." He coughed. She jumped back as he reached her.

"My princess, I've been looking all over for you."

"I didn't need to be found. I was doing fine on my own," she said.

"Trust me, I can see you were doing all right on your own," he laughed, pointing to the blood on his shirt.

His warm smile melted her irritation.

"Here, have some of these," she offers, holding out a handful of berries she had collected while he slept. "You'll feel better after this and more sleep."

"I feel better just being here with you. I couldn't lose you," Jack said, looking into her eyes.

His hands rested on hers as he took some of the berries. This time, she didn't move away.

The next day they rose toward the castle. The horse knew the way home, and after hours of meandering through the forest, they reached the lowlands. They saw the castle on the horizon, still in the distance but closer that Elsa had thought.

With each step, she watched the landscape change. The grey castle and colourful banners of her home grew bigger and brighter as they drew closer.

She leaned into Jack's arms, feeling secure within his embrace. She listened to his stories, laughing about the training practices of the knights and the follies of his youth. The smooth tone of his voice put her at ease.

"You seem familiar to me," she said, squinting back at him.

"Really?" He smiled.

"Are you sure we haven't met before?"

His forehead wrinkled as he thought. "You were at my knighting ceremony," he said.

"Yes, I'm at all of those. Truth be told, they all bend together." She saw his face fall at her words. "The ceremonies blend together, not the knights," she assured him, letting her hand linger on his. "I must have met you somewhere. Around the castle, maybe?"

"I suppose, with our duties, we run in and out all day long. I see you all the time."

"Tell me about it," she said.

"About seeing you?" Jack looked at her strangely.

 "No," she laughed. "Tell me about being a knight. Is it every bit wonderful as I imagine? The tournaments, journeys, all seems so exciting." Her eyes brightened at the romantic notion that had filled her mind since childhood.

He paused to think about it. "Yes and no. Their moment of adventure and moment of triumph, but most of the days are filled with hard work, preparation, and duty."

She cringed at the word duty. It seemed like something no one could escape.

"Are those brief moments worth it? Worth all the hard work you put into it. Is a moment of adventure worth a month of ceremonies and routines?"

"Absolutely!" He said. "For a moment they're worth everything and more. Being a knight is not a dream, but a calling. It's an honour for me and my family."

"You have always wanted to be a knight, and I have always wanted an adventure. You achieved your goal..." her voice trailed off. 

He touched her chin and looked her in the eyes. "You've achieved yours too."

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