The Battle: Chapter Fifteen

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The sun rose slowly on the third day of battle as if it dreaded what it would see. Prince Hans' men stood at the base of the castle walls, unable to break their defences. The king's knights were in full-scale defensive mode, alternating groups to stand guard day and night. Jack watched Prince Hans's every move. Their weary eyes met often, their gazes waging their own battle of dedication and desperation.

Prince Hans was unnerved. As a prince and soldier, he was mentally prepared for the long haul. His soldiers were also aware that sieges could take time. His new recruits, however, were losing their focus. They wanted their reward now. The grumbles that they were still there became more prominent as their beard froze and their toes turned blue.

"Sir," Prince Hans heard from behind him. He turned to see the forest man, Clayton.

"You called for me?" The mercenary asked, one hand on his sword hilt.

"Yes, yes, thank you for coming so quickly," Prince Hans said. "It seems some of the men are growing restless. It's time to put our plan into action. This is a special assignment, specifically chosen for a man of your skills and temperament. Do you think you're up for it?" He asked, tilting his head.

"Yes sir," Clayton replied, standing taller.

Prince Hans nodded. "Good, good." He patted him on the back and handed him a letter. "You'll deliver this to the messengers at the gate and them return to the far side of the castle and wait. Beyond that ridge is a small grouping of trees that will make an excellent hiding spot. Wait there until you hear my call. They'll never know what happened," his laughter rang out as he clasped arms with Clayton and handed over the message with his seal.

The king's messengers raced into the main hall, their armour clanking as they knelt before the throne. King Agnarr jerked his head up, surprised at their sudden appearance.

"What is it, my good knights?" He asked. His arms gripped onto the edges of his throne.

A knight stepped forward. "Your Majesty, we received this at the gates this morning. It was delivered by one of Prince Hans's men." He brought the message forward and knelt.

"Let's see what we have here," King Agnarr said, reading through the note. His face turned red as he shook it in the air. "This is Outrageous!" He clenched his teeth. "Hiccup, read this," he said, tossing the message toward him. "Guards, bring in Sir Jack. He is being requested."

The guards hurried out as fast as they came in.

Nervous tension filled the hall as Prince Hiccup looked over the message. King Agnarr continued to mutter under his breath, rubbing his hands together, frustration evident in the furrows of his brow.

"Father," Prince Hiccup said, finishing the message and handing it back to the king. "What does this mean? What is his plan?"

"This," the king said, "is the request of a madman." His face shook as the grand doors opened and Jack approached.

Jack's face was flushed, his skin smeared with dirt, sweat, and grease, and his hair slicked back. His eyes were red and weary but still focused as he knelt before the king and prince, his helmet in one hand and the hilt of his sword in the other.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness," he said, approaching the throne. "Is there news?"

"Sir Jack, you are always prepared to take action. Your position as Knight Champion shows your valour and strength, and I am proud that you have been chosen to protect Princess Elsa for life." King Agnarr stepped down from his throne and approached him where he knelt.

"It seems, Sir Knight, that someone else wishes to take a position." King Agnarr dropped his arm and held the papers out to him. "Prince Hans has requested a man-to-man contest to end this stand-off."

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