The Escape: Chapter Nineteen

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The next few weeks were a whirlwind of activity. Once news of her return circulates, there was hardly a corner she could turn or a hallway she could walk down without being bombarded with greetings, smiles and warm wishes.

During this time. Elsa leaned about the agreement her father had made with Prince Hans. When she wasn't surprised she was dismayed to hear about it. Relief was an understatement when she realised how close she comes to being handed over. Going from one captor to another, prince or not, was not her plan.

New had also spread about the new ball and her choosing of her husband. no one wanted to miss it.

On the day of the ball, the castle was in an uproar. Constant deliveries of flowers and food filed through the corridors as the ballroom filled with decorations. The stewards ran from stores to rooms, preparing, cooking and planning. King Agnarr, normally predictable, had surprised them. This ball was planned with specific input for Elsa.

Princess Elsa finished dressing in her room and appraised her image in the mirror. In a matter of weeks, the young girl had transformed into beautiful women. She tried to imagine how her mother had looked in the dress.

Fitting her like a glove, the light blue silk hugged her body and accentuated her bright eyes. The silver embroidery added a muted elegance and the pears gleamed in the light. She smiled as she looked at herself in the mirror one felt the fabric roll against her skin. She felt like a queen.

Music and commotion dress her away from the mirror to the window. Looking outside, under the brilliant sunset, she saw sparkling dresses and groups of men crowding toward the door. Visitors and guests overflowed from the ballroom into the courtyard. She listened to the loud bursts of laughter and smiled. Tonight was a night for joy and celebration. She was ready.

After one last look in the mirror, she began the familiar path to the top of the stairway, stopping at the velvet curtain. One of her father's favourite steward guarded the curtain. She returned his warm smile.

She wasn't sure which scared her more: being captured in the woods or facing a future of choices. Both were daunting in their own way, offering their own adventure. But suddenly, the adventure at the bottom of the stairs seemed enough for her.

The steward who stood guard at the top of the steps was having trouble holding in his smile as she peeked over his shoulders.

"You look beautiful, Princess," he said. 

Elsa smiled back and took a deep breath, letting her confidence rise. The butterflies in her stomach as soon as she heard the trumpets blare. Taking deep breaths, she rubbed her palms stomach. 

"I can do this," she said, reaching for the handrail.

The trumpets resounded through the halls, announcing her entrance. A moment of stunned silence greeted her as she came into the full view of her father and their guests. The whole hall was quiet, silenced by her beauty before erupting with applause. She had never looked so beautiful, poised, or confident. Radiance surrounded her, and she glowed with every move.

She searched the crowd as she descended the stairs. Her father watched with a look of pride that she hadn't seen in a long time, and Hiccup stood hand-in-hand with Anna. She saw some men gathered together, elbowing each other gawking. the women stopped their chatter and gossip to look at her with visible envy. 

Tonight, instead of a crowd of eager suitors, her father greeted her.

After a deep curtsy, she wrapped her arms around his. 

"Father," she said with a smile.

His blue eyes beamed with pride. "Are you ready for this?" He asked, covering her hand with this. "You're sure this is the choice you want to make?"

"I have never been so sure of anything." She said with a radiant smile, stepping into position for their first dance.

The music started and Elsa danced with her father, in harmony with him and the music. 

"You're so beautiful," he said. "When you came down those stairs, I thought i was seeing a memory. You look exactly like your mother." She saw tear well up in his eyes and gave him a warm smile. He continued, "I saw you, but i also saw the women you've become. You make me so proud." He held out his arms and twirled her underneath.

Elsa smiled and continued to dance until the final not sounded. As the music stopped, she looked around the hall, feeling the butterflies return. She tied to hide her smile as Hiccup and Anna disappeared into a darkened corner. Finally understanding, she laughed.

The music started back up, and a new dance began. Other coupled joined in, twirling in harmony with the flutes.

She pressed her way through the crowds, seeing familiar faces intermixed with strangers. The knights from the surrounding territories, healed from the tournament, lined the outer edges of the hall. Soft candlelight reflected off their armour. Her eyes scanned the line but did not stop.

Turning around, she saw Prince Hans approaching her, creating a wake in the sea of people. Everything about him looked polished, from his black boots to the shine of his hair. His smug smile lacked the charm that had previously impressed her. 

"Princess," he began, "would you please honour me with a dance?" He asked, bowing and holding his hand out for her acceptance. "I am sure you heard of my valiant attempts at your rescue," he prodded when she hesitated.

Elsa tried to think of a polite way to decline, and as she looked around for an excuse, someone caught her eyes.

"Yes," she stammered, pulling her hand away. "I heard about your attempts. While I respect your valour, I must show my appreciation first to the knight who did not give up hope. Please excuse me," she said, turning away.

As she crossed the ballroom, she glanced back and saw Prince Hans's glare.

"I can do this, I can do this," she repeated, trying to quiet the tremors inside her stomach.

Once she saw Jack, her eyes refused to leave his face. He looked so handsome and regal out of his armour.

Stopping within arm's reach, she curtsied and tapped him on the shoulder. 

"Sir Jack," she said, batting her eyes at him. "I'm so glad you could join us this evening." Hoping he couldn't see how fast her heart was beating in her chest, she forced a confident smile to her lips. This was all so new to her.

"Princess," he said, bowing. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you," she said, fighting with her fingers, trying to keep her hands still and at her side. "I've been looking for you."

"You have?" He asked, surprised.

Taking a deep breath, she refocused and smiled. "Yes. You never gave up on me. Even when everyone else thought I was gone," she said, looking away for a second to catch her breath. 

Behind his shoulder, she saw a tear twinkle in her father's eyes. No matter what lay ahead, she knew she made the right choice.

"Jack, as my knight champion, it is your duty to follow me, protect me, and make sure that no hard comes to m. While that is the job of a knight, it is also the joy of husband. Sir Jack, if you will have me, I choose you." She lowered her gaze and waited, feeling her heart pound out of her chest.

Elsa squealed as he took her in his arms and squeezed her tight.

"It would be my honour and privilege," he said, lifting her fingers to his lips. "I've wanted to give you this." He placed something smooth in her hands. "I found it as I was searching for you. It reminded me of you and gave me hope."

Cupped in her hand was a polished silver shell, round and scaled, flawless.

"It's beautiful," she said, turning the shell over in her hands, watching a rainbow reflect off its ridges.

"Not nearly as beautiful as you."

Elsa smiled as Jack lifted his hand to her face and leaned forward, for a tender kiss. Looking at each other, they barely heard the music start a new dance. He held her in his arms and both were oblivious to everything around them. 

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