Dragon's Gate: Chapter Four

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News of the of the dragon spread through the kingdom quicker that the fall fire. If they hadn't witnessed it, the tales they heard provided the necessary fear and apprehension. Before long, the villagers stormed the castle, filling the air with their plaintive cries. Questions about the security of their homes and lives shot out at him. Hiccup's face paled against the onslaught as feeble consolations escaped his mouth.

The corners and crevices of the throne room overflowed as villagers piled in to see the king. The noise only escalated as the king's stewards tried to keep the calm. Hiccup offered the faintest of support as the fearful crowd overtook the stewards, pressing them back beneath the red banners and golden emblems hanging on the back walls.

He tried to relax when he left the chaos of the throne room behind in exchange for the confined but quiet space of the grey corridors. His boots echoed off the floor as he made his way through the maze of the paths, running the short distance between the throne room and the king's upper chambers and study.

His mouth dropped as he turned the and approached his father's study. Lined up from wall to wall, royal entourages, princes, and knight waited to enter the room. Their dusty, smoke-covered clothes dimmed the poorly-lit corridor. A constant hum of voices melted together in the background. He pushed his way forward, provoking outbursts of disapproval.

He stopped at the doorway, watching his father stand firmly behind his desk. The sea of people pressed forward in waves. Arms gesticulated through the air, demanding answers and directions from the king. 

King Agnarr raised his arm for silence. "Men, I wish we had more news, more information, but you all saw what I saw. The silver dragon is back, and we need to act." The momentary calm evaporated as everyone chimed in at the same time. Their voices escalated to a cacophony.

"Silence!" The king yelled. They quieted. His most prized possession, a model wooden ship from the Bay of Morengo, shuddered as his fist pounded his desk. "I know we're all concerned and scared for our people, but this is not the time." He lowered his voice and straightened his robe, his eyes sweeping the room. "This is the time to focus on the greater issue." 

"Greater issue," bellowed a man from the back of the room. "What's a greater than our people?"

"What about my cheep and my village?" Prince Elliot asked.

"We don't know where the dragon is going from here. I must get back to make sure everything's settled at home."

Voices rose from all around.

"What about our people?" A noble asked from the corner.

"My home," another cried out.

"What about my crops?"

"Our women and children are home unprotected; what about them?"

Murmurs of agreement spread, and the room spun out of control.

"Wait, wait, wait!" The king raised his arms again, his face growing red in exasperation.

Hiccup cringed as his father's calm demeanour deteriorated.

"Do not attempt to discount my concern for the people of the kingdom. Their wellbeing is my first thought when I wake in the mourning and my last when I sleep at night. But look outside, peruse our ancient books, remember in your hearts. The dragons are back, and they are our enemy. For the sake of the people, we cannot ignore it! We need a strategy to get that dragon under control. Without control, we are doomed along with our women and children."

Silent understanding registered from the men. The air tightened with their begrudging acceptance.

Hiccup shuffled uncomfortably before speaking. "What do we do?"

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