The boy across the road Chapter 4

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Jacobs POV

"Wow I can't believe this is finally happening"

I really couldn't as well this was what I had dreamed of for years. Daniel started to pull away so I broke the kiss with a sigh and sat up on the bed.

"So.......what does this mean?"

"Well I guess it means that we're sort of you want to?"

"Of course I do.....but what about everyone at school......we can't say anything......"

"Wow, that's gunna be a hige secret to keep....."

"I know but it's for the best"

Daniel is probably right, but I don't want him to be. If I could I would scream out, I'm dating Daniel Miller and would want everyone to know. But then something dawned on me.

"What do we say to our parents? We can't keep this a seret from them forever."

"Oh......I didn't think of that......we can figure it out later"

"Daniel, stop running away from it you're going to have to tell them some time, might as well make it soon to get it over and done with. You told Kat, so you should be able to tell your parents"

"Okay, fine, but only if you do to"

"Okay, I will"

Oh damn I am so nervous now. How am I supposed to break the news to them, i don't even know how they're going to take this. 

"You've been quiet for quite a while now.....are you okay.......JAACOOBBB"


"I said, are you okay, you haven't talked in ages"

"Oh, sorry I was just thinking about  how to tell my parents"

"It's hard, right"


Our heads both quickly turned round and found Daniel's mum in the doorway.

"Oh, hey Leah, you okay?"

"Yeh I'm fine, what were you boys talking about?"

Oh god, here comes the awkward moment


"Oh....well that was unexpected....well, you know what, you can be whoever you want to be, I don't mind"



"Mum, that's great. Now that you're okay with it there's something else I need to tell you"

"What is it?"

"Jacob is my boyfriend"

"Oh that's fantastic! I really couldn't think of anyone better from my Daniel"

"Um...Leah....can I have your help with something...."

"Yes Jacob, of course"

Here goes...

"Can you help me tell my mum"

"Yes, of course I you want to go now?"

"Yeh, that would be great"

We got in the car, me, Leah and Daniel. As Leah started driving, I felt Daniel take my hand, so I gave it a little squeeze, and he squeezed my hand back, giving me a comforting smile and whispered,

"It'll be okay, don't you worry"

I hope he's right. My nerves have just about reached tipping point as we pulled into my driveway.

"You ready?"

"I guess I have to be"

Oh god, here goes....

"Mum? Dad?"

"Jacob, is that you?"

"Yeh mum, it's me, can you come here for a minute"

"Yes, what's wrong? Oh, hello Daniel, didn't you see you there......and Leah.....why is everyone here?"

"Mum I have something to tell you.............I' Daniel..........."

"W-what? No, that's not possible, you can't be gay"

"I am mum"

"And you are dating Daniel?"


"Well.......I-I don't know what to say...I'm  stunned"

"Mum calm down, I'm still the same person, I'm still Jacob"

"No you're not, get.....out"

"Mum, you don't know what you're saying your just in shock"

"No I'm not, and I know exactly what I'm saying, I'm telling you to pack your bags and leave, you have half an hour"

I was trying my best to choke back the tears, but at last I couldn't hold it in any longer. I let one tiny tear roll down my cheek, and it opened a floodgate. Before I knew it the tears were gushing down my face as I was unale to stop them

"Mum, please, don't do this"

"Do you love him, Are you sure that you're gay?"


"Then my mind is made up, leave now"


I ran upstairs, got the first bag I could see, trying not to just collapse down in a fit of tears. Shoving anything I could find into my bag and ran downstairs.

"Lets, I cant take anymore of this, the longer I stay here the worse its gunna get"

"Okay, whatever you want Jacob....mum, we're ready to leave now"

"Okay, whatever you two want. Are you going to be okay Jacob?"

"Yeh, I'll be fine as long as we leave now"

"Would you like to stay at ours, your more than welcome"

"Thanks Leah"

I grabbed Daniels hand in mine and held it tight. Things could only get better from here. This is my all time low.

[Authors note]

Heyy guys comment and tell me what you think of the story so far!!  I wasn't sure whether to carry on or end the chapter there but it seemed like a good place to end a chapter so I thought eehh why not. Sorry this chapter took so long but I had some computer problems so couldn't upload anything for a week.....saadd :(( AAnywaay comment and vote :)))

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