The boy across the road Chapter 22

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Daniels POV

I drove back to my house, gripping the steering wheel, and sharply twisting it whenever we turned the slightest corner. Jacob sat in the seat next to me, to angry to comment on my lack of driving skills.

"Who the hell does he think he is"

"I know, but we've taken care of him now"

As soon as Jacob said that, something in my head clicked.

"What if he's too scared of us to help take care of the babies"

"He wouldn't dare, he would be too scared of us to not help take care of the babies"

"He better be"

We spent the rest of the ride home in silence. We got home and Kat was sat on the sofa, fuming.

"What did you think you were doing, going to Paul's and beating the crap out of him!"

"He got you pregnant at 18 Kat....18! The bastard deserved every punch I threw his way, and very kick Jacob sent him"

"I can't believe you two!"

"I'm sorry Kat, but think about it, he has effectively ruined your future! You won't be able to go to law school now, because most of our money will go towards the twins, and you won't have enough time to attend the school"

Kat thought about that for a second. Her face crumpled, so I sat down and hugged her.

"You're right Daniel, he has ruined my future, I have nothing anymore. I was going to be the successful lawyer, and now I'm just the disappointment that got pregnant too young"

"You are no dissapointment, you're a human, and like every single person, you made a mistake, and all you can do is learn from it. You could run classes for pregnant teens who are upset and confused, you could hire a nanny, or we could look after the twins, and we'll all help pay for law school, you still have your future, you just need to figure out what to do with it"




"Kat, what's wrong"

Jacob's eyes lowered to the sofa.

"Errrmm, Danny...."

He pointed at the sofa. I looked at where Kat was sitting next to me. There was a big wet patch....Kat's waters had broken.

"Okay, come on, get in the car, I'll drive you to the hospital"

"Not if you're driving like you were earlier!"

"I'll be careful Jake. You're coming as well aren't you"

"Yeh...wait, shouldn't we call Paul. If you're babies were about to be born, you would want to know"

He has a fair point.

"Yeh, go on then. Call him in the car"


We helped Kat to the car and sat her in the back.

"Deep breaths Kat, deep breaths"

Jacob sat in the back with her and held her hand, whilst he called Paul.

"Hey, your babies are about to be born so you better get your sorry ass up to the hospital right now"

He hung up the phone and smiled.

"Right, who else do I need to call. Leah."

He dialled the number and held the phone to his ear.

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