The boy across the road Chapter 23

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Daniels POV

My mouth dropped open. The house was a wreck. Everything was broken. The lamps, the table, the tv. The sofa was upturned and all the chairs were around the house. All of the floors were covered in a clear liquid, water probably. I walked upstairs to find my bed shifted into an odd position. The tv in my room was hanging off the wall, and all my shower gels, shaving cream, hair wash, toothpaste and toothbrush was scattered across the room. All of these floors were covered in the liquid as well. I turned round to find Miss Olvard standing there with an evil grin on her face. she was holding multiple bottles of Vodka. She smashed them on the floor and took out a small box from her pocket.

"Shame you turned me down Daniel. We could have been so happy together, but you wouldn't let it happen. If I can't have you, nobody can"

That's when the true horror struck me. The little box she had take out of her pocket was full of matches. The liquid on the floor was vodka. She was going to set the house on fire. She lit the match and the fire illuminated her face. She dropped it on the floor and laughed as fire flew up in all directions. One thought was in my mind. Jake, Kat and the twins. They were all downstairs and the fire was spreading quickly. Mum had gone back to Marians, so she was safe. I ran through the house, coughing. I ran downstairs and spotted them looking confused.

"Get out!" I screamed.


"Just get out!"

We all ran out just before the house properly burst into flames.

Jacob turned to me confused.

"W-what just happened"

"Miss Olvard...said that...if she couldn't have me, nobody can. Then she...set the house on fire" I broke down in tears and Jacob pulled me close.

"It's all my fault Jake, it's all my fault!"

"Hey, hey, it's not your fault. She obviously wasn't well, had some sort of mental disorder, that's what lead her to this. This is in no way your fault, I promise you"

I shuffled over to Kat who was crying and holding the twins close to her. 

"Come on, let's go over to Marian's, mum's there"


We all walked over to Marian's and knocked on the door. Marian answered and saw the expressions on our faces.

"What's wrong"

I pointed a trembling hand at our house. Her mouth dropped open and she ushered us all inside.

"I'll call the fire brigade. Leah! Come here"

Mum came in and held us all close. She looked at the house and burst into tears.

"Our's destroyed!"

"Miss Olvard is in there"


"She set the house alight. I-I think she had a mental disorder or mental health issues, she stalked me, came on to me, then when we got home the house was trashed. I found her upstairs, she had spread vodka over all of the floors. She said that if she couldn't have me, nobody could. Then she lit a match and dropped it on the floor. We got out just in time. She didn't even try to get out"

"Oh, come here"

Marian came into the lounge.

"I've called the fire brigade. You lot are welcome to stay here if you want, we have a couple of extra rooms, and Daniel and Jacob can sleep in Jacob's room"

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