The boy across the road Chapter 20

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Jacobs POV

Everyone stared at Kat. Mum, Danny, Leah, me, and Tyler.


"I can't believe you"

Tyler stormed off and burst into tears at the nurses station. The nurses gathered round him and comforted him.

"Be right back"

I followed Tyler and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Listen, Tyler, I know that what Kat did was awful, but can't you just see that she is just a scared 18 year old pregnant girl with nobody else to turn to. She doesn't want to be a single mother, nobody does. If you truly love her, then you wouldn't do this to her"

"I thought I did love her. I guess I was wrong"

"No. If there was any doubt in your mind, then you didn't love her. If you truly loved her, then you wouldn't be able to live without her, you would stick by her through all of this, you would help her raise the baby. When the time comes, and I'm positive that it will, for Danny and I to have a baby, he or she isn't going to be either of ours, but we are going to love that baby as if he or she was our own baby, because we love each other, and anything is possible if you really love someone"

"I obviously never loved Kat then, because I don't want the baby"

My mouth opened in shock. How could he say that about a baby, just neglect a child like that.

"Um....about the baby...."

We both turned round to see Kat standing there.

"What about the baby, did you have a miscarriage, Kat, tell me"

"Jacob, the baby is fine. And so is the other baby"

"Other baby"

"It's twins. I guess it runs in the family" She laughed.

"I'm not changing my mind Kat. We're over. Got it"

Tyler stormed off and Kat looked down at the floor. I put my arm round her shoulders.

"Come on, let's go tell the others about the twins"


We walked into the hospital room and told everyone the good news.

"That's great!"

"Daniel. Jacob. I want both of you to be the godfathers"

I smiled uncontrollably and lay back on the bed with Daniel. I slipped my arms round his shoulders and kissed the top of his head. A different doctor walked in through the door and examined Daniel.

"How do you feel"

"Absolutely fine"

"Great. We just need you to sign the discharge forms and you can go home"

Daniel beamed and took the clipboard that the doctor was holding to him and signed them. And hour later we were walking in through the door. Mum had gone back home but come in the car with us. Daniel and I walked upstairs and crawled into bed.

"Jake....wake up babe"

"Urrggghhh not yet" I groaned

"It's graduation day"

I sat up in bed quickly. Already! This week had gone by so quickly. We drove to school, got into our robes and hats and passed through with ease. After it was all over we headed to the after party. Daniel and I got completely smashed, but Kat didn't touch a drop of alcohol because of her pregnancy. We danced the night away and got a cab home. We ran upstairs laughing and collapsed onto the bed. We sank into each other and pulled the covers over our heads.

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