The boy across the road Chapter 10

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Daniels POV

I hung up the phone and sat on my bed. Kat may have kissed him, but he did nothing to stop the kiss. I don't want him back. He betrayed me. A knock at the door startled me.


"Daniel? I'm really sorry. He just came out of the shower and the light bounced off him and he looked so irresistable...."

"You know you're not helping, and are you aware that he was MY boyfriend"

"I know I'm really sorry"

"No you're not, you're just happy that you kissed him, now get out. I hate you. Even more than I hate Jacob. You broke apart the one relationship I was serious about, I really loved him. Now it's ruined, the feeling has gone. And it's all your fault. I hope your happy"

"I'll go then"

"Yeh you do that"

My phone went off, so I picked it up.


"How do you not know it's me, you have my number"

"Jacob. I deleted it"


"Well what the hell do you want. didn't I make it clear. It's over. I hate you"

"But why, you know it wasn't me who started the kiss"

"But it also wasn't you who stopped the kiss was it. It was me. If I left you two alone for a minute longer, who knows where it would have gone"

"I understand why you hate me now, I do, please, just give me another chance, I love you"

"Well I don't love you anymore. You've ruined that now. The feeling has gone"

"Please, Daniel, Please, I-"

I cut him off and hung up the phone. Realising that it was 11 at night, I pulled myself under the covers and tried to go to sleep. But I couldn't sleep, not without Jacob holding me in his arms. I lay awake all night until my alarm went off. I turned it off, still not haing slept at all, got ready and went to school. I walked into form and Jacob was sat at his desk. My empty desk was next to his, so I took a deep breath and sat in my place. I looked at him. He looked awful. His face was dirty and his clothes were ragged, and he smelt a bit. I couldn't help but ask.

"Where did you go last night"

"I slept on the streets"

The thought of him sleeping in the street, under a load of newspapers, added to the sadness in his voice made my heart pang. It felt weird, but I almost felt sorry for him, but I still hated him so much. Bell went and I walked to my first lesson. Each lesson went by slowly, whilst I watched the clock tick away each minute. When it was finally lunch time, I slowly walked to the canteen, not knowing where I would sit. In the end i settled for a small empty table. I looked around for Jacob, but couldn't see him anywhere. I ate my lunch by myself then got up to go walk around looking for something to do for the rest of lunch. I was walking through the corridors when I felt a tug on my arm and I was pulled into a stationary cupboard. I heard the lock turn and I was there in the dark. I felt a hand lift my chin up and pull me in for a kiss. I ran my hands through the persons hair and realised it was short....Jacob. I pulled the light switch and there standing in the light, was.....


"I wanted to see if Jacob was telling the truth. You're a great kisser.."

He leaned in for another kiss but I pushed him away.

"Dude what the hell!"

"You kissed back"

"I didn't know it was you"

"Who did you think it was"

"I don't know. I just kinda went with it. I needed a pick me up"


"'re gay"

"Nah not really. I wasn't sure so I wanted to check. You're a good kisser, but it didn't feel right kissing a dude"

"K....guess I'll see you then" 


"Harry what!"

"Jacob's a mess. What happened man...."

"Kat kissed him.....but he didn't stop the kiss. I can't trust him....ever again"

"Well he's gone depressed"

"Not my problem"

"Well you caused it so it is. You know he's sleeping in the streets...he's homeless cause you kicked him out"

"I'm going. Leave me alone Harry"

I walked out of the stationary cupboard just as the bell went for lessons again. I walked to Maths where, yet again, I sit next to Jacob. I walked in and the teacher started talking about what was going to happen in the lesson.

"Okay so we're learning long division. I'm going to put you into pairs and you can work through the problems in the textbook. Paul and Harry. Samantha and George. Olivia and Robert. Jacob and Daniel"

I froze. Oh god. This is the worst situation to be in. We turned to eachother, and looked down awkwardly.

"So..." I began "We should work on the problems"


"234 divided by 63. So I guess we-"

I was cut short by a light kiss. 

"Jacob! We're in class....and I broke up with you remember!"

"I know. It's just hard to stay away from you"

"Well there's a huge difference between me and you. When Kat kissed you, you didn't stop it. When Harry kissed me, I stopped it straight away"

"Wait, Harry kissed you?"

"Earlier today he pulled me into a stationary cupboard and kissed me. It was weird. But I stopped as soon as I found out it was him. We were in the dark"


He turned round and glared at Harry. Harry saw him glare and looked genuinley worrried. Jacob mouthed something at him, but I couldn't make out what he was saying. Harry nodded and went back to his work. The teacher walked out the room to get some new excersise books. I whispered in Jacobs ear....

"Did I make a mistake"

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