The boy across the road Chapter 9

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Daniels POV

I woke up the next morning in Jacob's arms. I snuggled into him more. The events ffrom the night before began to come back to me. Jaocb in my arms, me in his. A huge grin spread across my face. I looked under the covers to see if I had been dreaming about last night. Yep, it definatley happened. We were both naked. Jacob stirred and slowly woke up. His arms tightened around me and he held me closer. 

"Morning georgeous"

"Morning babe"

I breathed in his cologne and let out a sigh.

"What's up"

"You smell nice"

"Hahaa....speaking of smelling nice, I'm gunna go have a shower....wanna join me"

"Really? You seemed kind of annoyed last time"

"Well you took me by surprise! I was shocked"

"Fair enough. I'll be there in a minute"

"Don't be too long"

"I won't don't worry babe"

I undressed quickly and jumped into the shower. Jacob was already there, looking great as always.

"You look sexy" I smiled

"You look sexier" 

"Not possible"

There was a knock at the door.

" that you in there...or Jacob?" 


"It's Jacob"

"Do you know where Daniel is...he's not in his room or he in there with you...let me come in"

"NO....he's not in here, no need to come in...I'm in the shower....maybe he's gone out"

"Yeh, maybe....tell me if you find out where he is"

"Yeh sure"

Kat's footsteps got quieter and quieter until we couldn't hear them anymore.

"That was close"

"Yeh...too close"

I gave him a quick kiss.

"We should probably get out before Kat gets suspicious...I swear she's got a twin vibe on me....she always knows where I's freaky"

"Yeh, you're right. I'll go out first incase Kat's still there. If she's not I'll tell you to come out"


Jacob walked out and I heard voices. 10 minutes later there was silence, so I peeked my head round the door. My blood ran cold. My heart started beating faster then ever. Then it started skipping beats. I felt like someone had actually reached into my chest and torn out my heart. Tears streamed down my face. I slammed the bathroom door so Jacob and Kat would know I had seen. I sat on the edge of the bath and let the tears stream. I heard gasps coming from the other side of the door. Yep. Jacob and Kat knew I had seen them kissing. A knock on the door startled me. 

"Danny.....Danny babe, come out, you need to hear what happened, babe please"

"Don't call me that. Don't call me Danny, don't call me babe"

" don't understand"

"I understand perfectly well. You and my sister were kissing, I think that explains enough. Well now you can go back to your happy little home and tell your mum that you're over your little gay phase"

"It's not a phase, you don't understand!"

"I do!!! I hope you and Kat are very happy together"

"There is no me and Kat"

"Well it definatley looked like it. You didn't seem to be trying to get away"

"You looked at the wrong time"

"Yeh sure. Why would I believe you. I was dumb enough to believe you when you said you were in love with me, that I'm the love of your life, and that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with me"

"I meant all those things"


I'm sick of him trying to make excuses. His mind is obviously made up. Only one more thing to do.

Jacobs POV

"I meant all those things" I said, desperatley wanting him to believe me. Why that exact moment...half a second later and we wouldn't be in this mess.


The anger in his voice made my heart feel like it had stopped beating altogether. I really do love him, he is the love of my life, I don't know what I would do without him. The bathroom door suddenley opened with force. Daniel stormed into the room, his face bright red with anger and tear stained. He grabbed a bag, opened his cupboard and started shoving all my clothes in it.

"What are you doing?"

"Packing your stuff...there is no way your staying here" The coldness in his voice made me know he was serious. Not a hint of sadness or even regret. Just pure hate.

"Daniel, please, don't do this"

"Well what do you expect me to do?"

"I don't know-"

"Exactly. You don't know. I hate you. Get....out" 

I took the bag and let the tears stream. I walked out the room, down the stairs and to the front door. I couldn't bring myself to open the door, I just stood there crying.

"Well...what are you waiting for"

I looked up at Daniel who had followed me down. I hoped that the look on my face, and the fact that I was crying would make him change his mind, but the his expression remained the same, his eyes didn't even soften. I reached a shaky hand for the door knob, turned it and open the door. Walking out, I closed the door behind me, sat on the doorstep and cried. My phone buzzed, so I looked at the screen. Text.

In case I didn't make it completely clear it's over

I started sobbing and howling through my tears, not being able to believe that everything was gone in a two weeks. My phone buzzed again.

And shut up

It suddenley hit me. I have nowhere to go. I can't go home because my mum won't let me in. I can't stay at Daniel's. I can't go to anyone elses house because everybody has been acting weird around us ever since they found out that we were together. I wondered the streets feeling abandoned and lost. I picked up my phone and dialled a number.


"Please let me explain"



"Fine. But make it quick"

"Kat kissed me"


"Kat kissed me"

"Hang on a sec"

I heard muffled voices in the background. Then shouting. Then someone crying.

"Back. Kat told me. It was her"

"So..are we good. Can I come back?"


The phoneline went dead. I didn't understand.....all I did know was that I was alone and homeless.

The boy across the road (a boyxboy romance)Where stories live. Discover now