The Question

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~Damons POV~

Why did I kiss her? I knew I liked her but I didn't want to react on my feelings, I looked around the Gilbert living room, its been a good few minuets since Melody stormed to her room and nobody had said a word that was untill Elena spoke "Go after her Stupid" after death staring her I knew she was right so I did as she said and walked up the stairs to Melody's room and stood outside her door hearing little whimpers and I realised she was crying at that sound broke my heart before I knew it I was knocking on her door.

~Melody's POV~

Trying to mask the fact had just been crying I unlocked the door without looking at who was behind it walking back over to my bed and lying down and curling into a ball trying not to cry again, that's when I felt two arms snake round my waiste, "why you crying?" Asked Damon, "It really hurt when I slapped you" I said not joking, it really hurt. He sat me up and examined my hand it was bright red and that's when he did the last thing I expected and he kissed the red parts, "Any better?" He asked looking up at me "A little" I laughed. "You have a beautiful laugh" he complimented "thank-you" I replied blushing, after a few long minuets of silence he spoke again "what does that mean for us?" 
"Erm, well I like you but I've been through a lot with my mum ect and I don't want to get hurt" I replied awkwardly, he lifted my head up so I was looking at him "I would never hurt you" he said while I was lost in the beauty of his eyes and that's when he kissed me again, I felt nothing but fireworks and butterflys when we broke apart he asked the one question I've been waiting to hear "Melody..." He stuttered trying to remember my middle name "Rose" I reminded him with a small chuckle he continued "Melody Rose Thorne, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked smiling "nah" I said standing up trying to hide my grin he grabed my wrist loosly "don't make me ask again" he said playfully, "Damon Salvatore I would love to be your girlfriend" I said smiling like a mad man.

We walked down stairs hand in hand when we reached the bottom of the stairs we couldn't hear anything so I walked in still with my hand joined to Damons and asked "you we're all listening wasn't you?" And I received a nod from everyone and Damon just asked "what movie are we going to watch?" and with a sigh we sat down me on Damons lap and my head on his shoulder, right now I was the happiest girl in the world.

After a few movies Jeremy left feeling awkward being the only one without a date so currently it was just me, Damon, Elena and Stefan, The credits for titanic came on the screen signalling the end of the movie, I looked over to Elena and Stefan with tear filled eyes and noticed Elena crying too. Me and Elena use to watch Titanic on repeate when I came over and It never failed to make us both cry at the end. Damon noticed I was crying and pulled me into his chest and said "How about a comedy? I hate seeing my beautiful new girlfriend crying" I blushed and giggled shyly kissing Damons neck then Stefan spoke up saying "I second that movement" then we all looked around at eachother seeing who was going to move to put the next movie on, with a sigh Damon lifted me off his knee and put White Chicks on and sat back next to me and cuddling me into his chest. So far today has been perfect.

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