How Twilight Of You.

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~Melody's POV~

"Morning sunshine" Damon's raspy morning voice said as my eyes slowly fluttered open, "Morning" I stretched with a smile. "I have a plan for day one" he said as he kissed the top of my head, "Really?" I smiled as I lifted my head up to look into his blue eyes "how about me and you go on a date, considering we haven't been on one in a while" he smiled at me softly causing me to press my lips against his softly "I would love that" I smiled at him as we pulled away. "Wait what are we going to do?" I frowned as I got out of bed and headed to Damon's draws that hold some of my clothes, "Dress fancy, we'll go for a meal" he smirked before leaving me to get ready, I squealed with happiness before picking up my phone and ringing Elena:

Me: Hey Lena, make this a four way, I need to talk to you, Bonnie and  Caroline

Elena: Okay two seconds.

Caroline: What's going on?

Bonnie: Mels?

Me: Hey girls, okay since it's day one of my last three day's Damon's taking me on a date.

Caroline: Oh my gosh.

Bonnie: Where?

Elena: Wait, wait. Let's all go and help her get ready?

Me: Hurry, I only have three hours.

Caroline, Bonnie and Elena: We're on our way.

I hung up and pulled out various dresses from Damon's wardrobe and draws, I pulled out a white and pink one, a red and black one and a plain black one. I looked over my three choices over and over again trying to figure out which one to wear, I groaned in frustration as I fell on to the bed backwards and raised my hands and covered my eyes. "What are you doing lying around? You only have two and a half hours" Caroline's voice called snapping me out of my daze, I must have lead here longer than I thought, "It's useless, I don't know what to wear. I'm going nude" I decided while keeping my hands over my eyes, "that's for later, come on, wear the red and black one, Damon's wearing black so you'll match" Bonnie's voice said while pulling my hands from my eyes causing me to groan and stand while taking the dress with me. I swear being a girl is so much work sometimes.

"You look beautiful" Damon said as I walked down the stairs, my red heel's making a noise with every step I take. "Thank-you, You look as dashing as ever" I smiled as I place a kiss on his cheeks "ready?" he asked while holding out his arm, I looped mine through his and laughed slightly "always" before walking out the door to Damon's car.

"Is anyone in?" I asked as we stepped out of the car going back home. The meal was great, I loved it. I mean how could you not? it's chicken? "Nope, Stefan texted he's staying with Elena to give us peace" he smiled as he opened the door allowing me in, I felt a funny bubbling inside my stomach "Damon?" I asked while turning around to see Damon taking off his jacket, well that's one piece of clothing down "Yes?" he smiled as he walked forward and placed his hands on my hips causing electricity to make it's way up my body. Without saying another word my lips came crashing with his, passionately our lips moved in sync and we made our way up the stairs and to Damon's bedroom removing different item's of clothing on our way so by the time we made our way to the bed we was left in our underwear. We reached the bed, we pulled away both with giant smiles on our faces "you sure?" he smiled at me as he played with the hooks on the back of my bra "I don't want to die a virgin" I smirked "how twilight of you" he smirked before taking me to paradise.

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