Chapter 26 ~ The Hangover

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Chapter 26 ~ The Hangover

I groaned as I awoke to the sound of bacon sizzling, it normally would have been amazing to hear it but my hung-over ass made it complete torture. The pops and hissing echoed in my head a million times and I groaned, covering my face with two pillows.

“Sorry Ali.” Ashley whispered taking the crispy bacon out of the pan and silencing the sound.

“It’s okay…”I mutter, “Do we have any Tylenol or some shit?”

“Yeah I got it on your side table with a can of monster, all I had, sorry.” Ashley said.

Sure enough I turned and saw a tall can of green monster with slippery condensation falling down the can, three bright pink pills sat on a napkin and I picked them up, popping open the can and sipped the monster down.

“Man I feel horrible.” I mutter looking at the shirtless Ashley in front of me.

“I know, hangovers suck, but I’m used to it so.” Ashley smiled. “You slammed it hard.”

“Shut up.” I whine and cover my throbbing head again.

He chuckled and set a plate of food on my lap. “How did you get a pan and plates and shit anyway?” I asked a bit grumpily.

“I stole it from the bus.” He said simply nomming on a piece of bacon.

A cheesy omelet sat on my lap with three slices of tantalizing bacon beside it. I put the pillow back behind me and began eating.

“Thanks Ash.” I add.

He nods and finishes quickly. “Alright, I’ve had enough of Vegas, you want to head home?” He asked with a small smile.

“After I get packing and call my mother I guess.” I say.

“Oh that’ll be fun.” Ashley muses his smile vanishing.

“I know, but she deserves an explanation babe.” I say, “After all, I’ve been gone for over 4 months.”

Ashley sighed. “I guess so, but what you told me about her wasn’t really cool. ‘Get in get out’ thing.”

I nod with a sigh. “I know, but I did, and I found love.” I smile, “Now, go wake up the guys I need to get dressed.”

I push away the plate and see my red dress on the floor.

“Awh c’mon Aaliyah!” Ashley smirked.

“Purdy boy, go see your band.” I say holding the blanket to my chest and point to the door.

He made an over dramatic exit groaning and stomping despite the people most likely sleeping below us and shutting the door loudly.

“Please be louder, I don’t think Nevada’s awake yet!” I shout with a laugh as a loud banshee scream comes in reply.

I get up and quickly dress, stealing one of Ashley’s shirts and a I Heart Ash snapback, I lace up some combat boots and do my makeup and hair before feeling my throbbing migraine clear and take out my phone, turning it on after three months.

I see all these threat messages, sobbing voicemails from my mother, and surprisingly my brother. I dial my mother’s cell phone number, expecting my eardrum to implode as soon as she got on the phone yelling at me.

Three rings and then she picks up, my heart flutters nervously in my chest.



“Oh my God, Aaliyah where the fuck have you been?” My mom’s voice cracks.

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”


My mother put up a hell of a fight, I sat there sobbing at some points, my mother sat crying as I told her I was staying with Ashley in California, that I would make a career being his clothing designer and that I was happy, the band was my family.

After I told her off, the line went eerily quiet, my stomach had violent pterodactyls flying around. “Mom?”

Quiet crying came from the other side, my heart sank, I had made her cry.

“Aaliyah, is this what you want?” My mother whispers.

“It is mom, I’m so in love.” I whisper back, tears filling my red eyes once more.

“Then follow your heart Aaliyah, but tread lightly.” She said.

I straightened up, about to ask what that meant but the line went dead and I received a text message: Jaxon misses you, you have to visit soon, okay?

Tears spill over as I type my reply a few minutes later: I will was all I typed. I could tell my mother thought I was an idiot, she thought I’d be played and left in a gutter, but I knew BVB and I was living my dream, I was the happiest I had ever been. I kept going telling myself that mother was just being selfish, so I wouldn’t dwell on her words too harshly.

I soon finished and picked up my shih-tzu Maggie, waking her from her sleep but she cuddled in the crook of my arm as I slipped out, following the sound of the guy’s voices at the end of the hall.

“I swear I think I slept with a stripper.” Andy said holding his head.

“Well then, Andy got it on.” Jinx said.

“Hey that’s my thing. But I did too.” Ash laughed.

“Except I don’t remember who it was…” Andy said. “It was like a blank…”

I suddenly got nervous as I heard that and I just tapped Ashley’s shoulder, he turned to me and also pat Maggie.

“Sorry for leaving you alone most the night Maggie.” He cooed to the dog, although he always called her a ‘rat’ I knew he loved her.

I smiled slightly, “I talked to my mom, and I’m staying.” I whisper.

Ashley grins and hugs me tightly. “Thank God… Now, get back to the bus?”

I nodded. “Let’s go.”

Now I was about to go live with my dream boy, design rocking clothes, and may get married to this wonderful boy, what more could I ask for?

All was purely… perfect.


Only if Aaliyah knew what was to happen soon >:3 tsk tsk tsk...

Alright I wanted to Ask if you guys wanted me to make another purdy girl cover, if you like this one, or if any of YOU awesome readers want to make one? There are a lot of better cover makers on here, but I want your guys's opinion. 

I also want to say thanks, this story has so many reads and votes, so many kind comments and I love writing this, for the most part (I don't like purdy porn XD) but yeah! Thank you all for encouraging me to write more, it's so long and so sucessful, I woujld have never thought.

Rock on guys! \m/


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