Chapter 30 ~ Ultrasound, Week 20

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Chapter 30 ~ Ultrasound, Week 20


We were both surprised with how big Aaliyah was, we were in Copenhagen, Denmark and getting another ultrasound. We were having twins.

I smiled at Aaliyah reassuringly as she lay in the chair, the monitor off as we waited for the only doctor in this hospital that spoke English.

“They’ll be able to tell the sexes Ash, what do you think they are?” Aaliyah asks.

“Both little girls, that’d be awesome.” I smiled at her as I laced my slender fingers in her soft dainty ones.

“You want girls? I would expect you to say you want boys.” Aaliyah laughed her light, careless, tinkling laugh that made my heart flutter.

“Well, surprise.” I wink as the door opens behind me and the doctor steps through.

“Welcome Mr and Mrs Purdy.” He says making me wince, “Shall we get started on this ultrasound?”

Aaliyah nods. “Please.”

I keep her left hand in my two as she raises her Falling in Reverse t-shirt to reveal her rather large and round belly, at such an early stage it was a surprise.

As the doctor spread the gel and stuff on her stomach and prepped the machines I looked up at Aaliyah with a look saying ‘are you ready for this?’ Aaliyah nodded as pictures of our babies began flashing across the screen.

“There they are.” The doc says looking at the screen at the two life forms in fetal positions still really tiny. “Do you want to know the sexes?”

I look over at Aaliyah saying it’s all up to her; she nodded “What are they?”

“They are fraternal twins, one boy and one girl.” He smiled pointing out which is which, a broad smile on my face.

“Looks like we both are satisfied, eh Ali?” I say with a smile and squeeze her hand.

Aaliyah nodded with an equally big smile on her face.  We were so close to being parents, and so close to something else.


We were back on the road and I was googling information about being a good father, tips on how to deal with babies –twins in specific-, and what ‘fraternal’ meant.

Google told me this: fraternal twin


one of a pair of twins, not necessarily resembling each other, or of the same sex, that develop from two separately fertilized ova.

I raised an eyebrow at ‘that develop from two separate fertilized ova.’ That meant that they both could be mine or one could be mine, and the other could be someone else’s.  I looked over at Aaliyah who was asleep beside me in the bunk on her side, cuddling up to me and clutching the comforter.

Aaliyah has never done ‘it’ with anyone other than me these past thirteen or so weeks had she? That night in Vegas was when we guessed she got pregnant and though most of the bands including us didn’t remember a lot of it, I do remember I spent most of the night by the strippers at the bar while she was out dancing and disappeared.

I eyed her, distrusting a little bit, but I was still unsure, I’d have to ask at some point, quizzing her on what happened in Vegas.  I prayed to God that they were both mine and that I would be a good father, no matter what the outcome was.

They had to be mine, right?


I sure hope so Ashley, I sure hope so. 

Well guys! I'm trying to update the most I can! I hope you're enjoying this, but just in case Mr Purdy himself is reading this some day, I hope you like this too, i'm not sure if i've captured you correctly haha. And sorry these chapters have been really short but o.o it's hard XD

AND MERRY 2013 CHRISTMAS GUYS! I'm going to try and update all the BVB fanfics -and my fantacy and pirate book- all Christmas Eve as a gift to you loyal readers haha. 

Have a merry christmas and enjoy this BVB Jingle bells:

Dahsing through the snow, get the fuck out our way, O'ver the states we go, rocking night and day! Warpaint by the pint, fire on our set, Don't care that all yo haters think, cause we're the fucking best! Oh jingle bells, rebel yells, rocking all night long. Old St. Nick can suck my ----, this is our Christmas song, Oh jingle bells, rebel yells, forget about this day! Cuz when you roll with BVB, it's christmas every day! hey!

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