Chapter 17 ~ Truth or Dare Gone Wrong

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Chapter 17 ~ Truth or Dare Gone Wrong


We had traveled half of the United States already, no sign of Kena sense San Antonio and it looked like she’d left us alone. It had been a mellow time, Ashley and I hadn’t been fighting at all and hadn’t had to use our ‘reset button’ tactic yet, and I’d hope we wouldn’t have to.

I was riding around the bus lot on Andy’s bike he had smuggled into the trailer behind the bus and all these bands waved at me, most I didn’t even know. I was Warped Tour famous, not to mention all my new haters and a whole new fan base of “Ashliyah’s” and endless pictures taken of us.

I smiled, thinking my life was awesome, tonight we’d travel to a city I’d honestly wanted to visit a while now: New Orleans, Louisiana. I’d heard so much about it, the nice things about how vintage it was, how beautiful it was, but also the dark side, like all the Voodoo and magic, along with all the hauntings. It seemed really eerie and I liked it. I’d always wanted to live there and try out being a Voodoo apprentice just for stories to tell.

Soon I was called back to eat with the guys for dinner at the food tent and I smiled as I saw Ashley waiting for me at the trailer. I put Andy’s bike away nicely and turned to see Ashley already standing there, smiling.

Ashley’s hair was down and teased, perfect like always. He was wearing aqua looking nerd glasses with no lenses and it looked cute on him, he had on a black tank top with a Jack Daniels logo on it. He had on plain dark denim skinny jeans with little holes and black cowboy boots, a black bandana hung out of  his pocket, and showed off his BVB belt buckle.

He wrapped me in a hug and kissed the top of my head. I smiled and slightly blushed as we just sat there in a long hug. Something I loved the most was Ashley’s long hugs.

“Hurry up or we’re leaving you two behind!” CC called to us and made me jump.

“Fuck off CC!” I laughed and CC smirked at me.

Ashley took my hand in his and laced our fingers together, swinging it as we walked behind the guys to the food tent. Andy was chasing Jinxx around for something he said, but with Andy’s long ‘gazelle legs’ he easily caught up to Jake and pinned him to the ground.

“Andy, Andy what are you going to do?” Jake said panicking.

“You. Took. My. Cookie.” Andy said.

Ashley immediately smiled and began giggling.

“I didn’t I swear!” Jake whined. “I didn’t know you had one!”

“It was one of those big ones from Starbucks, how could you not see it?!” Andy fake sobbed, still pinning his band mate down.

I looked up at Ashley as he tried not to laugh. I raised an eyebrow at him.

“What’d you do?” I sighed in exasperation and smiled at the goofy smile on his face.

“That cookie was awesome.” Was all Ashley said.

I burst out laughing and all the band looked at Ashley and I. Ashley had a nervous smile on his face.

Andy stared at Ashley. “Ash… you took it?”

“No…” But he had already released my hand and started running.

“Ashley Fuckin’ Purdy!” Andy called, getting up off of poor Jake and chasing after my Outlaw.

“No Andy! Ah! I’ll buy you another man!” Ashley laughed as he ran in circles but cleverly made maneuvers that tricked Andy and made him stop momentarily.

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