Chapter 9 ~ Wingers

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Chapter 9 ~ Wingers


I wasn’t planning the food tent, or fast food. I was going to take these two special fans to a better restaurant that wasn’t too expensive. That restaurant was Wingers, a city away to avoid many disturbances from fans.

I had really been hitting in this girl, Aaliyah. There was something familiar about her, and something different. But I liked it.

As she sat over with her little friend we continued to play until we got word that we could go for a little bit, having to be on the road soon to Denver, Colorado.

“Alright, let’s go!” CC cheered as the bus started up.

The little 14 year old, McKenna came out of CC’s bunk, leaning onto Aaliyah for support. She looked a lot better, still pale and sleepy, and her bruises weren’t that bad. I Jake got up so that McKenna would have room and I helped sit her up on the couch as Aaliyah perched beside her.

Andy came over to Kenna and kneeled in front of her. “Are you hungry?”

Kenna nodded tiredly.

“Ashley planned something just for you guys.”

“Really?” She said wiping her eyes.

“We’re going to a restaurant in Murray, do you live close to there?”

“Yeah, I live in Murray.” She murmured her head onto Aaliyah’s shoulder.

“Good, and stay strong, little Rebel.” Andy smiled at her, causing her to smile and blush.

Aaliyah turned and smiled at me and I smiled back. It was cute how well Andy had connections with the younger side of the army.

Soon the bus rolled to a stop in the parking lot behind the Wingers outlet. Everyone got up and headed inside for a strange dinner, this time I didn’t feel bummed.

I sat beside Kenna and Aaliyah, everyone else spreading out in the crescent shaped booth.

The dinner was full of laughing and random stories from everyone, everyone except Aaliyah, she laughed and listened to the others, but she didn’t tell any.

“And then the guy picked me up and started carrying me, security had to pull him off and rescue me, it was so creepy!” Andy laughed, telling his Man in a Poncho story.

Aaliyah just smiled at Andy’s story and pushed around her Sticky Finger Salad. CC took a swig of his beer and everyone then started talking about drinks, other than Kenna who had left and went to answer a call from her dad.

I scanned the beautiful girl beside me. Aaliyah was beautiful in her own way, she wasn’t bone skinny, she had some little curves and her chest was small. Her hair reached almost down to her waist, in natural, big curls with blonde highlights. Her eyes were stunning, a bright icy blue, almost identical to McKenna’s, with rings on the outside of their eyes dark cobalt, and rings around her pupils a light baby blue. I couldn’t stop staring at them as she looked up at me. Her face was dusted in light freckles and her lips were full and soft looking. Her teeth were a bright white as she slightly smiled at me and I smiled back.

I really was falling hard for her; I had barley known her, and my heart dropped every time I even glanced at her. Was this fate? Or was it just a strange gut feeling?

I couldn’t let Aaliyah leave; I couldn’t let her stay behind in Utah.

I would make my move after dinner.


We were on the bus with Aaliyah and Kenna giving each other their numbers, and promising to hang out. I bit my lip, and bounced my knee, playing with my hair. I was nervous to ask Aaliyah what I so needed to. But when we pulled up to Kenna’s house it was now or never. Andy and I followed Aaliyah and Kenna out.

The two girls hugged and split apart as Kenna’s father came out and watched us suspiciously.

Andy smiled watching the young Rebel walk up to her father and disappear. He looked at me with a smile.

“She’s a nice kid. I love the younger fans, they’re more fun.” He winked and I told him I’d be inside in a minute.

Aaliyah was about to follow Andy into the bus when I grabbed her wrist gently and tugged her back. I felt a jolt of electricity flow through my touch to her soft skin and tried to hide a blush creeping to my cheeks.

“A-Aaliyah. I need to ask you something.” I murmur looking down.

“Yeah, Ashley?” She looked nervous, and kept looking down.

Using my free hand I tilted her chin up and our eyes bore into each other’s. It seemed as if we were in our own little world, and time had stopped around us. The only thing heard was the sweet song of the birds in the trees around us.

“I know this sounds weird… But I can’t stand to leave you behind here in Utah, Aaliyah. “ I murmur softly.

“Ashley what are you saying?” She didn’t break the eye contact this time, all her attention was on me.

“Come with me, on warped tour. Please?” I ask.

A smile grew onto her lips, a beautiful, wide, white smile. She was speechless and just nodded vigorously.

“Yes Ashley, I’d be happy to follow you and the guys on Warped Tour.” She giggled and hugged me.

This was going to be amazing; I knew I had made the right choice as I walked with Aaliyah into the bus.

I knew something special would happen in Utah. 

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