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Trevor's POV

It's easy to say that we are gonna start to film our fourth season, but so difficult to believe. I am part of The Next Step since I was so young that seeing myself still here is incredible.

The majority of us didn't expect a fourth season. After Internationals we thought that the show couldn't continue, but here we are. Of course things will be very different from now. A lot of the cast are moving on, which fits perfectly with the storyline of coming back to Regionals. But luckily, not we all are leaving.

Today is the first day that we are coming to set for this new season. It's still the old cast, since we still have a little part together to film. We have a lot of arrangement to do, talks with the guionists, choreographing, get our outfits for the season, meet the new cast... And eventually, start to film.

I have just left Lamar talking with a few castmates and I have headed to craft. I want to pick something to eat and greet whoever is there. Maybe I find some of the girls in craft, since I haven't seen them yet this morning. I'm excited to work with them once again, but not nervous. I have seen them a hundred of times in the last few months - tour, conventions, parties, dinners...

As I get closer to my destination I hear girls' voices giggling. I can recognise easily that it's Jordan, Victoria and Brittany. The three girls are talking and I can catch a bit of their conversation while I walk the last metre of the hallway and enter the room. I don't want to spy, but it's impossible not to hear.

"Yeah, he's an amazing choreographer." Britt's happy voice says.

"So do you enjoy dance with him?" Jordan asks.

"Totally! It's so much fun." Britt answers, giggling.

The morning turns a little better (although it already was going well) after hearing Britt saying that. I enjoy very much dancing with her too, and I'm glad that she feels the same.

"Hey." I say softly, taking the attention of the girls who haven't noticed me yet.

"Hey Trev!" The three says, hugging me at the same time. I wrap my arms around the three of them. Vic is in my left arm, Britt in the right, and Jordan in the centre.

"I haven't seen you in so long!" I joke.

"A week long? That's not enough time away from you!" Britt replies, trying to mess with me.

"How you dare?!" I laugh, capturing her between my arms so she can't move. Britt laughs too.

"Can you two stop? It's just the first morning!" Vic rolles her eyes but is still laughing, so is Jordan.

"Good morning!" Another voice sounds in the doorframe. It's Logan.

We hug her too, and soon, Lamar enters in the room with Isaac and Devon. During the next hour, more and more people start to arrive, giving hugs to us all and making small talk. Eventually, all the old cast who has to be here is here. Amy joins us, wishing us a good morning. I already greeted her earlier when I arrived, so have done the majority of the guys too.

Brittany's POV

"Good morning!" I hear Amy's voice sings over all the conversations. Everyone starts to shut up, turning towards her. The ones who already have seen her earlier, like me, only wave, while a few go to hug her.

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