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Trevor's POV

The days on set pass very very quick, also due to how busy our schedules are. With the new cast members around, the old ones who just do an appearance in the first episode, and the old ones who stay, we have started to film.

I have just thrown into my James' clothes for one of the first scenes that I have to film - a Jiley one. I have some free time to spend before filming so, knowing that my boys are filming right now, I decide to search Britt in order to be ready for later.

I soon find Brittany, coming back from filming talking heads. She sees me, with her script in her hand.

"Hey, green room?" She asks, approaching me.

"Sure, let's go." I answer, following her through the hallway. We greet a few cast members and crew members, walking in the opposite direction of us.

We sit in a couch in the green room, which is empty of people. Britt looks down at her script on her lap, and I give a look at it too.

"Oh, do you have a part with Giuseppe too?" I ask, slightly surprised. I hadn't realised that the scene which we are about to film, it's also the scene when Riley meets Alfie.

"Yeah, after you leave the juice bar." She answers, looking at me for a moment.

"Can I read it?" I ask curious, and she hands me her script. It's different from mine, of course, because each one of us have their own scenes. I read it quickly. "So this Alfie guy joins the studio because he fell in love with you while you made out with me in the International Stage?" I ask sarcastically, teasing Britt.

"Don't be so bad with the poor guy!" Britt shoves me slighly at the same time that she bursts into laugh.

"Bad? He's stealing my character's girlfriend!" I say, faking an angry expression, as Britt is still laughing at me.

"Believe it or not, this Jiley drama broke my heart." She says, turning serious but still smiling.

"But at the end is ok." I smile back.

"I'm thankful for that. I would miss having you around all the time." She says, smiling sweetly at me.

I just look at her with a smile, not knowing what to say now. I already knew that our jobs wouldn't be the same if one of us wasn't around, but it's the first time that one of us say it loud.

I don't know why, but I glance a her lips. I guess that her charm has captivated me...

Brittany's POV

I have been spontaneos telling Trev that I would miss him. We were messing around a few seconds ago, as always, but I felt comfortable to tell him what's in my mind.

However, he keeps staring at me, without talking or even laugh, and I'm starting to regret it. I didn't want to make this an awkward moment. I haven't say nothing big, so I don't understand where is the problem.

I turn my head towards the door at the hear of laughing.

"Hey- oh sorry, are we interrupting something?" One of the new girls say. She's Alex, Shelby next to him. I guess that they are coming from filming something.

"No, no. Don't worry." I smile, pulling a bit away from Trevor in the couch. He smiles at them, too.

The two girls enter in the room, sitting in a couch together, still with the worried expressions of having interrupting something. I look at Trevor confused because of their reactions, and he looks back in the same way.

"What's up?" He asks, finally breaking the awkwardness in the room.

"Are you..." Alex starts.

"...a thing?" Shelby finishes.

Trevor and I sigh relieved, and then start to laugh. I thought that they would ask something bigger, not the same question that we have been asked a hundred of times since the first season.

"No, girls. We are just friends." I answer finally, relaxing from laughing.

Being asked if you are in a relationship with your co-star is funny sometimes, annoying others. It's weird thinking that there are so many people who wants us together...

Anyway, I love working with Trevor and having him messing with me. I don't want it to change, I know that a relationship only would bring us problems. The romantic moments between us will stay scripted and with a camera in front.

Trevor's POV

"Yeah." I nod, after Brittany has answered the girls' question.

She hadn't noticed where I was staring... And I am grateful for that. Wanting to kiss your friend is not a good think...

"Sorry." Shelby says shyly.

"It's not a big deal." I reassure them with a smile.

"Actually, Amy asked us to tell you to go to the Juction." Alex explain.

"Yeah, we have to film." I say, standing up.

"Thanks girls." Britt smiles at them, exiting the room behind me.

"No problem!" They both answer.

"That was weird." Britt whisps to me, giggling.

"I know." I laugh.

We continue walking in silence, but there's something that I couldn't tell her before the girls arrived.

"Hey Britt." I say softly, looking down at her, at my side.

"Mm?" She mumbles, looking up at me.

"I would miss you too."

She smiles, and I can see a slighly blushing on her cheeks.

"Your brain is lazy, isn't it?" Britt says, smirking. She's talking about how much time I have needed to answer.

"Are you calling me silly?" I ask playfully, walking more slow.

"Oh, I'm not. But now that you say it, yes..." She says giggling adorably.

"If you like your life, run, Britt, run."

Before she has time to react, I grab her body, throwing her in my shoulder. I carry her through the hallway in the way towards Java Juction, while she giggles, hitting my back.

"Trev! Leave me free!" She cries.

"Shut up, Raymond." I say, laughing.

In the hallway, walking in the opposite direction, I see Myles.

"Yo bro." I greet him, while he laughs at me and Britt in my shoulder.

"Yo, did she get stuck there doing a lift or what?"

"It's not funny!" Britt complains. Her head is hanging in my back, so she can't see Myles.

"Yeah it is." Myles walks behind me, so he can see her face, and she can see him.

He and I laugh, and she laughs with us, trying to sound mad.

I finally arrive to the Juction, still carrying Britt. The first who see us is Amy.

"You're so cute!" She laughs.

"This is not cute, it's annoying." Britt says laughing, in the same mad way than before. I put her in a bench.

Britt brushes her hair with her fingers, while smiles at me with a challenging, still sweet smile. I pinch her cheek, then we walk towards Frank in order to prepare the scene.

But my mind isn't thinking about my work. It's thinking about how sweet spending time with Brittany is.

What if the fans are right and we make a cute couple...?

...Nah, it's a crazy idea.

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