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Trevor's POV

Saturday mornings are usually the most relaxed time in the whole week. After a busy week of filiming, dancing and rehearsing, I can get back my sleep time and don't wake up so early. Waking up on weekends is always a nice feeling.

However, this doesn't mean that I can hack around all the day. I usually have to attend at events on Saturdays, or if I'm free I need to sort things for RAW Motion. This last thing is the one that is keeping me busy today - I'm trying to schedule a convention.

So once that I have all sorted out, I just need to confirm who faculty members are coming. I have to ask to know who are free, but I already have an idea of who I am calling.

As I take a sip of my coffee, my young brother Steven appears in the living room and throws himself in a couch, wearing still in his pajama pants. Lamar is out this weekend visiting his family, and my brother has been invited to some event in Toronto, so he's staying a few days.

"Yo." He says, instead of a 'good morning'.

"Morning Steven." I reply a bit more polite than him.

"How are you doing with the convention?" He asks, noticing my laptop and papers in front of me.

"Going good. I'm going to call the guys now." I answer.

"Who are you going to call first?"

"Brittany I think." I say, already searching his number in my phone.

"I knew." He mumbles, looking down at his own phone. I look at him with a confused expression, putting my phone on my ear.

I wait a few 'beeps' until a female voice talks at the other side of the line.

"Morning Trev." Her sweet morning voice inmediatly makes me to smile.

"Hey Britt, sorry for calling so early."

"No problem. So what's up?"

"Mmm, I have been scheduling a convention so, I wanted to know if you want to take part in?"

"Oh, cool, sure! You know I love RAW. Which date? " She answers, enthusiastic.

"October 14th. Are you free?"

"Oh... October 14th." She repeats. "Wait a second please."

I take another sip from my coffee, while I hear her walking around her apartment. My brother glances at me sometimes, wanting to know how it's going.

"Trev?" She says, eventually. I make a soft sound with my throat so she can know that I'm listening. "I'm so sorry, but I don't think I can that day."

"Why?" I gulp, disappointed, but not giving up.

"I'm performing a duet with Nathan in another event, he asked me to some time ago. I'm so sorry." She sighs at the end. She looks disappointed too, so maybe I can make her to change her mind.

"Come on Britt, can't he search another dance partner?"

"No Trevor, we had worked on it together. I can't give up now."

"And there's no way that you can go to the both places?"

"That's impossible! They are not even in the same city!" Britt answers, getting on nerves.

"Okay, okay. I get it, you prefer to go to that event with Nathan." I answer, getting on nerves too, catching my brother's attention.

The boys were right. Things are changing between Britt and I. A good choreographer and closer friend of hers, like it's Nathan, wants to dance with her. Why would she choose me, if we have already danced hundred of times together?

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