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Brittany's POV

So the Monday, I head straight to make-up, avoiding everyone as much as possible with the aim of avoiding questions, but still saying good morning to not make evident my bad mood.

I have my first scene of the day pretty soon, which means that I can't stop to talk with anybody, thing that I'm very thankful for. Before filming, I greet Amy and the rest of the crew. Amy doesn't ask anything about the rumours, and I don't know if it's because she hasn't heard anything -untypical Amy, I have to say-, or because she's being proffesional right now.

The scene which I'm about to film is Riley's dream - first Ralfie kiss. Luckily, I haven't to do much, just a couple of lines, sit and kiss. I don't know how I would do a difficult romantic scene with my actual mood...

But my mood changes a little while we go through the scene. Just sitting and listening to Giuseppe singing is really comfortable at the moment. Different is when the kiss part arrives...

I can't say it's a bad kiss. I can't say that I feel uncomfortable. But it's not the same feeling that the last one I filmed - I can't even feel anything at all. And that means something that I hate to admit.

But being realistic, the kisses don't worry me much right now. What scares me are the rumours that I'm gonna have to face in a few minutes.

That moment arrives quicker than I would wish. I go to craft, always keeping an eye on the people around me, to be ready before someone approaches me. I just hope to find Victoria soon and having her help.

The first one of the day turns to be Erika. Although I haven't known her for long, we are becoming good friends. She walks towards me, careful of what she says.

"Morning Britt." She says softly.

"Morning." I smile.

"I don't want to be rude but... is all that true?" Erika asks, touching my shoulder reassuringly.

"No." I shake my head, looking down and serious now. "I swear that it's just a confusion." I look at her, a bit hurt.

"Don't need to swear. I believe you." She says, hugging me in an attempt to comfort me. "I gotta go." Erika smiles, and I smile back.

Luckily, as she leaves, Victoria arrives, looking stressed too. She runs towards me, hugging me tightly. I hug back a few seconds, until finally we pull away.

"Thanks me for have already denied the rumours four times this morning." Victoria says, looking concerned at me.

"You win, I only one." I giggle, softening the mod.

I guess that much people feel more comfortable asking to my close friend than directly at me.

The rest of the day is a little stressed just for the same reason. I am asked and I hear mutters around me all day. I make my best to deny all the rumours, Victoria and Logan helping me a lot. There's not a second, apart from when I'm filming, that I don't hear them.

"...Myles says that it's fake." I hear Briar whispering, unaware that I'm close.

"Oh my gosh I wouldn't believe it." Alexandra whispers back.

"Where is she right now?" Skyar asks, and I burst.

"Here. And I can confirm that it's fake!" I answer annoyed once again, a little too loud, catching the attention of everybody around us. The girls look at me shocked.

"Sorry, she's just stressed." Victoria appears suddenly, grabbing my arm. "Let's go to studio A, Britt."

She leads me to the studio, which at this time is already empty. Filming has finished today, so we can use it for rehearsing.

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