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Trevor's POV

I walk into set early in the morning for last time that week. Everyone is already there, getting ready for their scenes. I see Brittany from far, walking through a hallway - the same one where we made out that last time. She hasn't noticed me yet.

Since the talk with Isaac, a couple of days ago, no much has changed between Brittany and I. It's not awkward as I thought it could be. As far as I know, Isaac himself told her that our secret is well kept. So we are more cautious now, and are starting to share those little jokes that we have always shared back to when we were just friends.

But we aren't just friends anymore. We aren't an official couple either. Now, I have no idea where I stand.

I need to talk to her... Once again I need to talk to her, but until the moment we haven't had a proper talk. Someway I understand her, talking about your deepest feelings is hard.

I walk into craft a couple of hours later. I join one of the little groups which are talking, noticing Brittany talking too in the other side of the room. I glance at her, and she glances at me too. It's not a coincidence, I look at her so many times that it's normal she catches me. She smiles sweetly, and I smile back at her. Then she turns back to the conversation. She looks happy today for some unknown reason, and it makes me happy.

Sometimes I wish I could read minds. I want to know what is in this girl's mind. It seems like she really likes me too. As if the 'I love you's weren't only said in a moment of passion or with a friendly meaning. I want to know if she really wants this or she just can't fight about her feelings.

And when I say fight about her feelings, I'm talking about the show. I know that it is what stops her to date anyone.

And... I want to teach her that when you have someone by your side, you can deal with everything. I want to be that someone.

Brittany's POV

I smile at Trevor when I find him looking at me. I look away trying to fight the blush on my cheeks. He has this power of making me to feel butterflies even standing at the other side of the room.

I'm happy today, happier than usual. And nervous too. After a whole night of thiking, I have found an answer for all my doubts. So today, finally I'm gonna face Trevor. I can't let myself to ending making out with him... I need those cute pink lips talking to me.

I guess that this pregnancy thing that he made out has made me to overthink too much...

I wait until we have finished lunch to talk to him. He's sitting alone in a table, the other guys have already finished while he's patiently eating a salsad and scrolling through his phone. I take a second to stare at such a beautiful person, before slowly making my way and sitting next to him.

"Hi..." I say catious.

"Oh, hey." He inmediatly answers excited, throwing his phone to one side in order to paying full attention to me.

"Take your time eating, don't worry about me." I smile, as he nods. I keep sataring at him as he finishes his salad, a smile never leaving his face, knowing that my eyes are fixated on him.

"So did you have fun watching me while eating?" He asks after finishing his last bite.

"A bit." I giggle. "I actually had something to tell you."

"I'm listening." He turns serious now, but still smiling.

"I need to talk to you about something."

Trevor nods slowly, almost tasting my words. "I need to talk to you too."

"Just no right now, please." I say, lifting my hands in the air between us.

"Mmm, maybe later? Can I take you out for dinner?" I think about it for a second, but he talks before me. "I'm sorry... I sounded like a date. I didn't mean it."

I laugh a bit, he doesn't have to apologize. I actually like the idea. "It's ok, Trev. I'll see you after work." I smile, standing up and leaving, as I know he's following me with his eyes.

Hours later, once I have finished my schedule and I'm already dressed with my own clothes, I find myself in front of the mirror that we have in wardrobe. We have something like a date, since we are going out together tonight, and I couldn't look worse right now.

My make-up for the day was made for Riley's sad scenes, which means that I have had to spend all the afternoon crying or almost crying in front of the camera. I won't deny I really enjoy that kind of scenes, but Trevor will get the wrong idea if he sees me like this.

"Hey." A sweet voice says softly behind me. I can see through the mirror who she is - Alex Beaton, my almost sister. Having her around these days brings me amazing memories of the first year on set. I have missed her so much. "What are you doing?" She stands just next to me, looking at my reflection instead of me.

"I'm going out now and I look awful..."

"I won't say you the opposite." She says plainly.

"Oh! Thank you for your cheers!" I say sarcastically.

"Oh Britt, it was just a joke!" She laughs, leaning over my shoulder. Why don't you go to make-up? Maybe some of the make-up artists can make you a favour and fix it."

"Sounds cool." I say, already heading towards the door. "Wanna come?"

"Sure." She follows me, in silence all the way until we reach make-up. "Where are you going, by the way?"

"I have... a kind of date." I say, smiling.

Her eyes widen from the curiosity. "Do I know him? Is him from set?" I don't answer, instead I blush with the smile still on my face, looking away. Alex inmediatly smirks. "Don't tell me more." In that moment, one of the girls who works in this sections, appears. "Oh, hey Claire! Can you make us a little favour?"

Half an hour later, I hug Alexandra as a goodbay. I head back to wardrobe, where I think I can find Trevor, once I look a little better. I grab my phone in order to text him if I can't find him, but he's already standing in the room with the phone in his hands.

"Gosh, I have been waiting for you for a while." He says, a bit annoyed.

"Beauty takes its time." I giggle.

He gives a step closer to me, looking into my eyes. "You have been beautiful all day, but I love to see you so cheerful."

I smile, looking away so he can't notice my blush.

"Should we go?" I ask, and he nods. We both head out the building, towards his car. "So where are we going?"

"Mm, well, I know that a shawarma place is not the most romantic thing but I crave one right now..."

"Who has tell you that it's not romantic?" I laugh, opening the door of his car and stepping inside, so does him.

"I know, it is for us." He laughs too. "Uh... what did you want to talk about?" Trevor asks, getting clearly nervous.

"I have... I have been thinking a lot... But never care. Let's enjoy our meal and we'll talk later."

I see Trevor's face tensing a bit more while he starts driving. I find his nervousness really cute. For once, I'm the one sure about what I'm gonna say tonight and he's the clueless one.

The quality of my chapters just gets worse each day but well, since I have loads of things in my mind you can't expect anything better. Anyway, I tell you again that next chapters will be the last ones, but they will be... enternaining.

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