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Trevor's POV

I come back on set on Monday after a cool weekend with my family, spending quality time with my brothers. It has helped me to chill out I guess.

The first couple of hours are very relaxed. Everybody looks tired and half asleep so the atmosphere is very peaceful. Not for long, unluckily for me...

At some point in the morning, due to it's not a busy day for me, I'm paying attention to the work of the producers of the show. I dream with producing my own film someday, and being around them, I learn a lot.

When there's not more interesting things, I head to the hallway, searching for something or someone who entertains me. The boys don't have to be here today, Britt is filming I guess, and the rest are free, filming too or rehearsing.

I find Giuseppe, walking in the opposite direction of me. He smiles, and waves quickly, before greeting me once we are closer.

"Hey." He says, with the same wild smile that he has always.

"Hey, how are you doing?" I say, giving him a fist bump.

"Cool, I have being filming a kiss." He says, raising an eyebrow teasingly.

"With who?" I ask genuinely. What a stupid question. I feel heat in my checks for anger, but as I remind that it's just acting, I can control myself. "Oh, sure Britt." I chuckle.

"Yeah. Lucky the one who is dating her." He laughs.

"Nah, she's single." I giggle nervously but... She's single, isn't she?

Giuseppe gives me a confused look. "Have you given a look at Instagram?"

"No, why?"

"You should. They are only rumours, I hadn't the chance to ask her earlier."

He slaps my back reassuringly and then walks away, leaving me with a puzzled look on my face.

I don't know why but I hide in the bathroom. I was getting ready myself for the worst, and I didn't want anyone around... And I'm sure that no much boys need to come to the bathroom right now.

I lean in the counter, with the mirror at my back. Carefully, I open Instagram, which I haven't scrolled in the whole weekend. I search Brittany's account, but there's nothing new. Just cute photos of her. Confused, I start to search for clues. Giuseppe only said 'give a look at Instagram', so it shouldn't be difficult to find. When I look between the posts where Brittany is tagged, it hits me...

The same photo appears a lot of times, posted by different fans' accounts. Brittany and Nathan, holding hands, having dinner together in a nice garden. I give a look to some comments too...

-Is this real?
-it's just a rUMOUR
-He's Nathan TNS choreographer
-NOOOOO 😭😭😭😭

My heart starts to beat faster and my whole body starts to sweat. Nathan and Britt...? For real?

I look at myself on the mirror and my face is priceless. I take a few breaths, trying to relax myself and making to dissapear the sick feeling on my stomach. I wash my face with cold water, thankfully I haven't been in make-up yet today.

I need to talk with Brittany...

Eventually, I leave the bathroom, trying to look as calm as possible around the rest of the people. I hear the rest of the cast talking and looks like I'm not the only one who knows the news...

I try to avoid Brittany each time that I see her around. She doesn't pay me much attention either, she looks really stressed, no doubt why. I can't talk to her with everybody around, because I couldn't control myself and my nerves. I'll try to approach her later.

Brittany's POV

I enter on set that morning terrified, at the same time that with a bad mood not usual on me. Just Victoria knows the real version of the story, and now I would have to face hundred of question and rumours... Ironically, the thing that I always have avoided. But luck couldn't be by my side.

My head only replays the moment when the shock came, once and once again, as if thinking about it would change something.

Two days before, Saturday morning...

I wear some comfortable clothes after having a shower. Today, the weather is good but I want to relax and spend the day just watching TV.

I head to my living room and check my phone. I have silenced the fans' notifications, so I only see them if I get in my social accounts. The only noticification I have is a message from Victoria.

Vic B ✨, 12:32. Check your instagram if you haven't done yet.

So do I and... freeze in the second that I see what the fans are posting. Suddenly, the heavy light that flashed Nathan and me yesterday has sense. Someone has caught us in the moment when he touched my hand and it was easy to misunderstand...

I scroll a little more through the posts, each second more and more fear invading me. I find myself shivering, at the edge of tears, and I know I need help... So I call Victoria, who picks her phone quickly.

"Brittany?!" She shouts, shocked.

"Look Vic it isn't- Nathan and I don't-" I babble, but she interrumpts me.

"You aren't together, are you?" She asks quickly.

"No, no-"

"The truth!" She yells nervously.

"No! You have to believe me!" I yell too, desesperated.

"Okay, okay I believe you! We need to relax!" Victoria says, softening her mood now.

I sit in a couch, trying to relax a bit. I guess that Victoria is doing the same, because none of us talk in a few seconds.

"Tell me about that date." She orders softly but with authority, not in a mean way.

"Okay, listen.."

I start to tell her everything. Where we went, what we wore, what we talked, including the part of the little fight with Trev, which I hadn't told Victoria never before.

"...so I think that somebody recognised us and took the photo." I say at the end, much more relaxed than before.

"Okay, I get it. So you two are staying friends, right?"

"Yes!" I answer, trying to stay calm although it's like the third or fourth time I answer that. "What should I do?!"

"I don't know. They are only rumours, plus it's not true. They can't find any real proof."

"Should I post something saying that it's fake?"

"Maybe, mmm." Victoria mumbles. I'm going to answer when she speaks again. "No! Wait!"

"What?" I ask, confused.

"You have never done that with Trevor. If you post that you aren't dating Nathan, people will be even more suspictious about you and Trev."

"You're right." I sigh. "Then what?"

"Let it be..."

"Just ignoring it?"

"Yeah. In a few days they will forget. There're not any proof so when they give up, all will come back to normal."

"Yeah, maybe. But I guess that I will have to deal with people on set anyway."

"They'll understand. I'll be at your side." Victoria answer, and I know that she's smiling reassuringly.

"Thank you Vic. I love you." I say sweetly.

"I love you too. I gotta go, we may talk later."

"Okay. Bye!"

Guys, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR +100 VOTES 💕 the book is also near 1k views!
I really liked writing this chapter, and I think that cool things are coming. So keep waiting! ☺️

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