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That Monday...

Brittany's POV

"Are you a little better now?" My sister Sam asks me, stroking my back.

"Yeah." I say. She rolles her eyes at me. I'm not feeling good. My eyes are filled with tears which I can't help and my nose is really red. It's difficult even to breath.

"Will you tell me finally how it happened?" She asks again, a little annoyed.

I glance around me, at the full of people waiting room, while my sister and I wait for my appointment with the doctor.

Sam has asked since she picked me up to come here how have I ended like this. I don't want to tell her, and I know I am too stubborn to leave the words slip out of my mouth. I usually wouldn't care to talk about this kind of topics with Sam, but it's Trevor who we are talking about...

"You aren't going to answer, are you?" She sighs. I shake my head slighly. "Britt, you're old enough and you have a job to keep." Sam changes her position on her seat, so she can look at me straight in the eye, concerned but sweetly. "Don't make me to supervise you. You need to care a bit more about yourself."

"I know Sam... This won't happen again." I say, and I can't help a cough. "I don't want to stop dancing right now. I can't leave the show down." I sigh, sadly.

"I know baby." She says, kissing my forehead. "Maybe you're lucky and we are just over reacting... Oh, did you called to the show?"

"Yeah, yeah. They told me it's ok. I just hope I can go tomorrow."

"Miss Raymond?" We both hear from the door, with a nurse waiting in the doorframe.

"Should I go with you?" Sam asks. I turn towards her, nodding heavily. I feel her hand searching mine, which I'm thankful for, as we both walk inside the cabinet.

Trevor's POV

That night I have got to sleep a little better than the last one. The thoughts of two nights ago keep replaying in my mind. Sleeping with her in my arms was too amazing that I can't barely sleep alone anymore.

I have to admit how excited I am to see her today. I thought about writing her a message yesterday, but I didn't want to be annoying. Today I'll see her in person so it's different. I'm determined to make her to talk with me and to make this work between the two of us.

The only problem is that Brittany didn't even appear today on set.

I start to get really nervous when I see everyone around except her. I wonder if she's still avoiding me, because if she is, she's doing it very well.

Some of my doubts dissapear once Frank calls us all to gather around Studio A. New ones appear in my mind after what he says.

"Brittany can't come today due to personal problems. That makes us to have to change the schedule for today in order to get her scenes in time in the next days. Nothing that need a lot of worry. Thanks you guys, keep working hard!"

So Britt isn't coming today. Personal issues. The first day after we slept together. It seems like the girl has played me again and it's avoiding me once again. I'm becoming crazy, one day she kisses me and another gets angry, she makes me love and then stays away. And the worst part is that I can't know if this feeling of being lost is because of the hatred or because I crave her body.

But not coming to work just to not seeing me is very low for Brittany. It's not typical from her. I need to face her, otherwise I'm going to explode.

Desesperated to know about her, I need to ask somebody. I doubt that she has told any of the girls about our Friday night, since she was the one asking to me to keep it as a secret. But with Brittany you can never know. At some point, the cast will ask why she couldn't make it today, and she has to put some kind of excuse. 'Personal problems' has never worked as an answer between the cast members.

Victoria seems too relaxed. She didn't even flinch when we were announced about her best friend missing work today. She really must know something.

"Victoria?" I say tapping her shoulder, as the girl sips a coffee. She inmediatly turns towards me. "Have you heard of Brittany?"

She arches her eyebrows as an affirmative answer while her mouth is busy at the moment with the coffee.

"Yeah, actually, yes. We were talking this morning early."

"And what happened to her?" I ask casually, hidding my slight nervousness.

"She said she caught the flu. Sam is going to pick her up to go to a medical appointment today." She says concerned.

"Oh, poor Britt." I sigh. So the flu, uh? And Sam covering her too. Maybe she told her sister... "She must be really bad to go to the doctor."

"Yeah, she is. She went to throw up while I was at the phone. She isn't doing too well." Vic says, sipping from her coffee again.

Throwing up? Doctor's appointment? Avoiding me?

"Hey, Trev?" Victoria says, waving her hand just in front of my face. "You zoned out."

"Oh. Sorry. I'm sorry." I shake my head.

"Hey, don't worry Trev!" She lays her hand on my forearm. "She will be okay. You don't have to worry."

"It's okay Vic. Thank you." I smile, and walking away as she smiles back at me.

Throwing up. Doctor's appointment. Avoiding me after sleeping together.

Oh no, boy.


A mixed feeling of anger, doubts, and worry invades me. This can't be happening. But if it is, why haven't Brittany already told me? It's a problem of the both of us, not only hers. I hope she has the intention to tell me it soon and not hiding it from me, because it's something too big to hide.

But this nervouness is driving me crazy. I head to wardrobe, grabbing my lather jacket with the idea of leaving set today and go to search Brittany anywhere. But I can barely cross the door of wardrobe, I find Isaac and he stops me.

"Woah, were are you going so quickly? Are you ok?" He asks, taken a little back for my facial expression. It's like all the world around me has dissapear and the only thing that matters in my mind right now is her.

"I have to go." I mumble, giving a step foward but he stops me, putting his hand on my chest.

"What are you talking about bro? We are in the middle of a filming day!"

"I don't fucking care! I need to see Brittany!" I yell, not thinking about what I'm saying.

"Are you crazy?" He yells back, "You can see her later, she's ill, not dying!"

"Isaac, I really really need to know how she is doing!" I say, not yelling this time but begging.

"Trevor, seriously, relax man. If she has something important to say she'll call us. Now continue your job."

I feel my body to relax a little. I sigh, nodding at Isaac. I can't leave right now. I'm not even sure if my theory is true, so I can't leave making everyone to suspect.

And Isaac is right, if Brittany has something important to say, she will call us. If she's at the doctor for the same reason I think, she will tell me before than anyone. I will wait for her call, hoping that it doesn't take too long. If she doesn't talk to me about this, I'll face her for myself.

AN. Not everything is what it seems...

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