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Later, much more later...

Brittany's POV

I walk into the park, readjusting my handbag on my shoulder. I do my way to the area where the children are used to play, and far away, I see a tall figure with dark hair. It's Trevor. My Trevor.

While I keep walking towards him, he turns around realising that I'm on my way. My eyes inmediatly are fixed on the little baby who is running towards me, stumbling a lot.

I smile, scooping him on my arms, "Hey baby boy! What's up with you? Are you dizzy or something?" I ask, pecking the cheek of my two years old baby.

"Hip-hop mummy!" He mumbles excited.

"Hip-hop?" I ask confused, as his father finally reaches us. He cups my cheek, pecking my lips.

"Yeah. I taught him a few steps." He answers proudly.

"Trevor, I told you that he's too young for hip-hop." I sigh. "He will get hurt!"

"Babe stop it, I am careful. How was your audition?" He asks. I leave Dylan on the ground, and he starts to 'dance' again, while Trev and I keep an eye on him.

"It was..." I mumble plainly, "pretty good! I'm not sure but I think they are interested on me..." I say excitedly.

"I knew you would get it." Trevor says, wrapping his arms around me.

"...and on you." I mumble carefully. Trevor puts away, giving me a weird look.

"On me? Would they like for me to audition?"

I nod my head. "As the main male character." I say, bitting my bottom lip as I have been used to do since young.

Trev gives a step back from shock, but a huge smile grows on his face. "So we would get back to be the main couple... after so many years?" He asks, bitting his lip too.

I take a few seconds, just enjoying how well his words sound, and then I slowly nod.

Trevor suddenly wraps his arms around me, lifting me from the ground and spinning me around, full of happiness. The little one stops quiet, looking at his father and I and laughing his ass off to us. I laugh too, waiting for Trev to pull me in the ground.

"That film is gonna be ours, Britt, I assure you that!" He says excitedly, squeezing me against his chest once again before leaving me free.

"Well, why don't we get some ice-cream to celebrate this?" I suggest, kneeling in the direction of my son, who starts to pay attention again as soon as he heards 'ice-cream'.

"Yeeeeah!" Dylan shouts, jumping excited, grabbing one of my hands and one of his father with his little ones, leading us to the ice-cream parlour.

At my 28 years old, life is giving me everything I could have asked for. I have a dreamt job, a dreamt career, the best and most lovely husband and an adorable baby boy made with much love. And you would ask now how we ended having a son...

It all started when I was chosen to be part of The Next Step, and then I knew this guy called Trevor who was playing my boyfriend's role. Through the three first seasons, we became very close friends, long story that you already know.

At some point through the fourth season, what everyone expected, happened. Trevor and I started to date.

It has been 8 years since we got together. It hasn't been always easy or perfect, we have had to lead with some harsh times, specially the ones before starting to date through the fourth season. But nothing has been enough to tear us apart.

The first three years in our relationship, Trevor and I still lived in our own apartments. We would spend loads of nights at each other's places but we didn't move. We had gone through months when we didn't get to see each other due to work, but much more others when we would work together everyday, dancing or filming.

After the sixth season of The Next Step, the show sadly was calling to an end. We never missed working, we were offered loads of opportunities that we took. But without the show, we didn't get to spend so much time together as we wished, that's why we moved together through our four year of relationship.

Just two years later, Trevor proposed. I was so happy, even if things didn't turned as expected... That night, while celebrating, little Dylan was conceived. So, not wanting to get married with a bump, we changed the date of the wedding, which actually has been a few months ago.

I snap from my daydream when my son looses his hand from mine forcefully. He starts to run away in front of us, 'dancing hip-hop' as him and his father call it.

Trevor and I keep walking through the park behind our son, not pulling our eyes away from him. I feel Trevor sliding one arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer, and I wrap my arm around his waist as we keep walking in silence.

"Do you remember..." He says softly, almost whispering, leaning near my ear, "the night we started dating in the shawarma place?" He chuckles slightly.

"How couldn't I?" I answer, as a smile grows on my face.

"You told me you wanted me to be the father of your babies." He whispers this time. I feel his hot breath in my neck, plus his seductive voice, makes me to get goosebumps and a small blush spreads on my cheeks.

It has always been like this with Trevor. We have been best friends for years, having each other trust and support through everything. We have never failed to work together. Our relationship has been so comfortable, so natural, and after all Trev can make me blush always that he wants...

"I love you, Trev." I mumble against his neck, then reaching up to kiss him.

"I love you too babe." He mumbles against my lips, now we both standing in the place now, as he holds my waist and I hold his neck, and we share a few kisses more.

"Is that Jiley mummy?" A cute sweet voice makes us to pull away. We look down at Dylan, who looks confused. I look at Trevor just a second, sharing a sweet smile. Then, my husband kneels in font of our little baby.

"Yeah, D. We were Jiley. And guess what! Mummy and daddy will make a new film!" Trevor tells him excited.

The little one open his eyes happily and brings his hands to his head, as if he was the happiest person in this world. I doubt that a two years old can really understand that his parents are actors, but he has always these dramatic reactions. He's so cute, the same image than Trevor, although his nose, cheeks and lips are mine. As his dad, he will be a good actor in the future.

"And you know what?" Trevor asks him, lifting him on his arms. Dylan pays attention to him. "Overall, mummy and daddy are Trittany."

And our baby, without knowing anything about the story of this ship, just for fun squeals "Trittany!"


For the ones who wanted a Trittany baby, this is for you!

I'm getting sad to have to finish this. I'm so, so thankful to you all - thank you a hundred times to all those people who has voted or comment in every chapter, you're a lot and I don't want to miss anyone, but you already know who you are. Seeing that you have enjoyed this is so amazing!

Don't forget that I'm posting a Jiley book in a few days, which I hope you all read ;)

Thanks you once again, Lu x

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