(1) Results for Littlepaw

187 10 2

IN 1ST PLACE: iiWhisperSky with Littlespirit

IN 2ND PLACE: Wolfheart9 with Littlefang

THANK YOU TO WarriorCats09A_Little_Kitty, and Falconwing77 for participating also! Your entries were great!!


iiWhisperSky's entry: Littlespirit

Honestly, I loved that name so much. It resembled her personality well and I'm sure Littlespirit would have been happy with that name! Being the runt of the litter, or maybe the weakest it seems, would be very hard. But I'm sure Littlespirit is happy with her name now, especially when it's easy to tell how much honor and bravery Littlespirit brought. She may be the runt of her litter...but she's a true warrior out of them all.

Wolfheart9's Entry: Littlefang

Personally, I can see this name clearly. In my eyes, this name means that Littlepaw, as an apprentice, is quiet and sweet as we said before, but also is very fierce when other cats tease her about her name. Although this name does NOT really match her soft-spoken and sweet manner, "Littlefang" also adds another touch of personality to Littlepaw, a spark of rebellion and defensiveness, that suggests that although Littlefang is the clever, quiet, and sweet warrior we know, she can be fierce and sharp-tongued too!

WarriorCats09's entry: Littlestorm

"Storm" is somewhat of a more commonly used suffix. But that doesn't matter because it matches her personality pretty good! Being the runt of the litter is hard, but with a name like this, there's no doubt how much struggle, courage, and loyalty in the life of Littlestorm.

A_Little_Kitty's entry: Littlefern

Ahh...Littlefern! This name...there's no problem with it! It completely fits her soft-spoken and sweet manner, however bonus points could be added if you showed something that resembles the other side of her! Otherwise, I think that name sounds super nice and I love it!

Falconwing77's entry: Littlewhisker

Although "whisker" is kind of a common suffix, it fits with Littlepaw's personality pretty well! The name sounds perfect together, resembling the quiet, sweet, soft-spoken she-cat. However, bonus points could be added if you showed something that resembles that other side of her. Otherwise, that name sounds great! :D


Littlespirit also has a special message for her name-giving leader, Whisperstar!

"Thank you for my new name. It means so much to me and has given me strength, honor, and pride, which I would not have if you have not given me my name!"

iiWhisperSky, please tell me in the COMMENTS down below, which story would you like me to give 5 votes on!

iiWhisperSky and Wolfheart9, your dedications are comming!

Thank you for taking part in this "Warrior Cats: Name That Apprentice!" 

The next one will come out (AT THE LATEST) one week later.

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