(5) Results for Juniperpaw

50 4 5


AfterTheSharpEyedJay - Juniperthroat

•In the pic she has a red throat.

•She likes to talk to Clanmates

•She likes to go to Gatherings to talk to other Clan cats.

•She's popular, so cats talk about her.

•I would assume that she has great social skills.

•She likes berries, and I would guess that's because she likes to eat them.

•Poisoning is most commonly from consuming something, so maybe she was named while she was dying. 

Varulven15 - Juniperberry

•She's red-furred

•She's popular in her clan

•She loves berries and I assume her death was by eating deathberries as an apprentice, so she was named a warrior before she died.

Quicksilver_Foxheart - Junipershade

Her black markings are similar to the shade a cluster of berries can cast on the forest floor.

For the bit of mystery surrounding her as to what she's actually good at and dislikes.

And, being popular in her clan, she is probably caring in a way, so it's like her warmth is spreading a light over the clan..........and then that light flickered out when she died, casting those she loved and touched with her light into darkness and shadow.

ashfeather- - Junipernose

- she likes to chat

- she's popular

- her muzzle is all orange

- her nose is dark, like a little berry (or juniper)

ASDAilurophile - Juniperbright

Juniperbright because of how her ginger fur stands out brightly against the dark fur and because if she's popular with her Clanmates and likes chatting, she should have a bright personality.

WarriorCats09 - Juniperflame

Juniperflame, her popularity with the Clan spreads like fire, and the orange/yellow of her pelt and eyes match the colours of a bright flame, much like her personality

Nightflower- - Junipertiger

She paused for a second. "Why did you name me Junipertiger, by the way?"

Robinstar flicked her brown tail. "Ah!" She exclaimed. "Your fur always caught my attention, such black and orange stripes. You stand out, both physically and personality wise. A tiger could never hide in plain sight, and neither could you."

Junipertiger scrunched up her nose, disappointed. She stared down at her pelt. "Does it look that bad?"

"Oh, no!" Robinstar reassured. "I don't mean that in a bad way. You're just so creative and eye catching, nobody could miss you! You're like a hidden treasure. A beautiful, shining treasure, and it would be a shame if anybody overlooked your fiery traits. You fight like I've never seen before, yet you care for others like you're their mother. You're unique and fierce."

"Wow..." Junipertiger stared in awe. "I-I...thank you," She stammered.

"I only tell the truth," Robinstar replied. "And the truth is that you are a force to be reckoned with."

((Not complete story.))

bunnycanwrite - Junipercloud

She is described to be social, meaning she must be calm and relaxed similar to a cloud. Her fur has cloudy black swirls over her coat as well. I imagine her being aggressive and dangerous when she needs to, seeing her stunning yellow eyes, giving her cloud because a cloud can be a calm and relaxed thing, but in a minute it can quickly turn gray and stormy unexpectedly. Since Juniper has pretty good social skills I assume she is also outgoing, curious, and understanding. She is maybe well-known and popular with a (usually) good reputation. If you tie these all together with the word "cloud" you can start imagining it :)


This round is hard to judge as well. :/

1st placeAfterTheSharpJay (Juniperthroat) and Varulven15 (Juniperberry)

> 10 points

2nd placebunnycanwrite (Junipercloud) and Quicksilver_Foxheart (Junipershade)

> 5 points

Honorable Mention // 3rd place Nightflower- (Junipertiger)

> 3 points

Participants ashfeather- (Junipernose), ASDAilurophile (Juniperbright), and WarriorCats09 (Juniperflame).

> 1 point


Basically, I was looking for a smooth sounding name and really good connections. Even if you have good reasons for your name, they must match the suffix. (Otherwise, the connection is either really stretched and barely there or just nonexistent.) The name must also represent her personality clearly. I wish I had more time to properly break down the system but if you want to know about yourself specifically, either comment down below or PM.

Congrats to everyone! We're halfway done...which means there's still a lot of time to catch up! 

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