(4) Results for Shallowpaw

55 5 8


Brokenshadow2004 - "Mr. Lazy because he likes eating and sleeping and you cannot wake him and he eats a lot."

Yep, that's pretty self-explanatory. It's nice that you can deduct that he's lazy lol. 

Quicksilver_Foxheart - "Mr. Bo Jangles , because I imagined him as the kind of kittypet who belongs to some spoiled little eight year old girl with some crazy name for her fluffy-wuffy."

Oh wow, bonus points for creativity (?)

"Mr. Jangles came from a friend of mine who's little sister had a fluffu grey tabby named that, Bo, from the name of a missing terrier I saw on a poster while walking. (Like three or four hours prior to my comment) XD, thanks tho."

Ah, well bonus points for nice inspiration then. And bonus points for sounding creative lol.

Varulven15 - "Garfield, due to his love of eating and general laziness and his dislike of hard work XD."

Better if you get the reference...which you should. Nice one.

Sunstruck_Pebbles "Mr. Widdlykins: I feel like he belongs to a girl who's absolutely obsessed with him even though he doesn't care about her and just eats and sleeps."

Huh, another comment about a girl lol. Reminded me of Quicksilver_Foxheart's comment. And your names are both cool too!

WarriorCats09 "King-Sleep-a-lot as his owner probably spoils him like royalty and he only cares about eating, sleeping and doing absolutely nothing all day."

Ah, yes. I'm not sure whether King Lancelot would be insulted lol. The name sounds great though, he would be totally spoiled by his owner. 


1st placeWarriorCats09 (King Sleep-a-lot)

> 10 points

(I like the reference. I also like how subtle it is, as in not everyone will instantly recognize where it came from. It's also quite nice to say and the name is very creative. I can see Owner naming him that.)  

2nd placeQuicksilver_Foxheart (Mr. Bo Jangles)

> 5 points

(I like the...inspiration behind it. Whoever was behind it is quite creative. I'd love to hear the full story of how this name came to be. I can also see Owner naming him that. )

Honorable MentionSunstruck_Pebbles (Mr. Widdlykins) 

> 3 points

(Basically, you received 3rd place. And I felt like it was right to give you points, even though 3rd place doesn't exist anymore. So, congrats! I can certainly see Owner naming him that.)

ParticipantsBrokenshadow2004 (Mr. Lazy) Varulven15 (Garfield)

> 1 point

(Mr. Lazy is very self-explanatory and fitting. Maybe just a bit more creativity. As for Garfield, I like the reference :) but I honestly don't think that would suit him and his owner would probably name him something else.) 

So, I guess the names that won were somewhat creative and realistic. Congratulations everyone and remember, you do receive points if you don't win. :) Just participate a lot and you'll rack them in. 

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