(4) Leopardpaw >Closed<

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Name: Leopardpaw

Clan: ShadowClan

Description: (Above, images)

Personality: fierce, compassionate, skilled, hot-headed, arrogant, sharp-tongued


iiWhisperSky came up with the name, Leopardfang who is named for her fierceness and sharp-tongue

A_Little_Kitty came up with the name, Leopardclaw, who can be harsh, yet weathered down like a claw

KandyKittys came up with the name, Leopardshard named for the black spots on her beautiful golden pelt, seeming to be shards placed around her slender body. But don't be fooled! If they were real, it wouldn't hurt her at all! She is the fiercest cat in the forest, and some have even compared her to Lionblaze! Her sharp tongue is like a shard that cuts easily.

MyDogFaith4321 came up with the name, Leopardstorm because she is fierce, like a storm.

funkitty26 came up with the name, Leoparddream named "for her kindness,yet strong attacks like a dream."


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