(2) Otterpaw >Closed<

83 6 15

Name: Otterpaw

Description: He's a ginger tom. (Limited description for an extra challenge!)

Personality: ??? (Limited info for an extra challenge!)

Likes: Fish and water.

Dislikes: Rabbits (He's a lot slower on land) and twolegs.


A "challenge" aka this is something different! :3 You, the leader, don't know a lot of information about Otterpaw and you don't really pay attention to him as he blends in with the other cats. However, you have picked up on his habits when you take the time to observe him. ^^ The other rounds won't be like this, haha, you'll get way more info about the apprentice!



GamerXDAJ with Otterstream!

17AwkwardTurtles with Otterwhisper!

Mossytail with Otterwater!

Dusttuft with Otterbreeze!

hilarykimble225 with Ottersong!

eugenia456cat with Otterstorm! 


Good luck and have fun! :3 Results will be up once we have enough participants! :3 

Edit: Anyone notice the new cover?

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