(6) Results for Moon

52 4 3

Very hard judging these names since some of them were very similar! All of them were nice though. :3 

Entries: (In order of first --> later entries)

AfterTheSharpEyedJay - Moon Light That Brightens Shadows

•For his blue fur, much like how a brightened shadow would look

•In honor of his parents

•Cave guards follow prey hunters around like their shadows so they can protect them

•His eyes are round like the moon

•His wispy fur reminds me of rays of light

ashfeather- - Moon that is Covered by Clouds (??)

Varulven15 - Moon that Casts Shadows

•For his shadowy, smoky gray fur

•In honor of his parents

•his training as a Cave-Guard, follower the Prey-Hunters around like their shadows to protect them

Quicksilver_Foxheart - Moon Light That Whispers Softly Over Shadowed Rocks

-his grey fur would make him blend into shadows

- in honor of his parents

-also, like how the cave guards are protective shadows of prey hunters

WarriorCats09 - Moon that Shines Down on Rocks

"as rocks are usually found in caves, and his grey fur resembles the colors(/colours) of rocks, and brighter eyes resembling the moonlight..."

Willowstar02 - Water that Reflects the Moon

- Alternate name: Moon that Reflects the Water



1st placeAfterTheSharpEyedJay ((The name is beautiful and not too over the top/lengthy. You have a lot of good connections/reasoning! :3) 

>10 points

2nd placeWarriorCats09 ((The connection you made on how rocks are usually found in caves stood out. Only one other person made the resemblance of how his eyes resemble the moonlight.))

> 5 points

Honorable MentionWillowStar02 ((I like the flexibility of switching out those names. Bonus points on uniqueness since that name doesn't begin with "moon".)   

> 2 points


ashfeather- ((Even though the flow was a bit off and there were no reasons to support it, you received bonus points on uniqueness.))

Varulven15 ((Decent connections, smooth-sounding name, simple.))

Quicksilver_Foxheart ((Beautiful name and maybe a bit too much of a mouthful to say. Decent connections.))

> 1 point


Congratulations to everyone who participated. ^~^ There was a bit of a delay on this update due to my inactivity and other issues. If everything goes as planned, the next round should be updated on 9/12/18. 

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