> Division 1 <

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Alright, I'm editing this book for the appeal factor! :3 Let me give everyone a quick preview!

>There will be multiple divisions.
>Each division will have 5-10

At the end of each round, there will be prizes. Those can consist of...

> Votes

> Dedications

> Shout-outs

> and more! :D

Basically, you know the rules of Name That Apprentice! For the full preview, please read the first part. Just try to...

~Be unique with your name
~Check the comments to make sure your name is still here
~A description for your name is encouraged. However, do not make it SUPER LONG. I'd prefer descriptions and explanations over stories.

I'm going to update the next parts tomorrow or sometime later! :3 Prepare yourselves! :3 

By the way, the rules change with every division! In fact, the book started with no division system. It wasn't until I went on a hiatus that I realized it did need one. (So it could deal with other peep's inactivity, my inactivity, and etc.) It also helped with appealing to different groups of people. (And also motivated me to work harder!)

Please understand that every division will change! I ended up changing the second division due to another hiatus so it fewer rounds than it was supposed to. This part was originally a "How it Works" by I've edited it after 1-2 years. OwO

Please skip to the most recent division for the most accurate information before you start participating. Enjoy. ^~^

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