(4) Spiderpaw >Closed<

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"I don't act differently towards anyone at all

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"I don't act differently towards anyone at all. Stop making things up."

"You're not...jealous are you? There's nothing special going on."

"Don't worry. I'm right beside you...I promise."

"Unclench those legs, keep those claws sheathed, lower yourself a bit...perfect!"

Dedicated. Anxious. Defensive. Reasonable. Insecure. Outgoing. Determined. 


Clan: HollowClan (He'd be in ThunderClan if part of the canon series.)

Skills: Patrolling, battle training, mentoring.

Position: Warrior Apprentice

Fears: Being alone and/or rejected suffocation.

She made him feel special. She was the only one that never made fun of him, the only one that appeared to listen to him, and she gave that treatment towards all her clanmates. It was one of the things Spiderpaw liked about the medicine cat apprentice.

"Those green eyes are creeping me out," Rowanpaw, a fellow apprentice and his best friend, had said. He remained unusually quiet at this and Rowanpaw nudged him again, eyes flashing.

"What?" Spiderpaw demanded.

"Look, she's watching us again! Doesn't a medicine cat apprentice have anything better to do?" Rowanpaw muttered.

This time, the black and white tom couldn't help but laugh. "She could say the same thing for us. If I didn't know better, I would think you would like her or something."

Rowanpaw slapped him with his tail. "Don't be ridiculous," the tom said with a huff.


She didn't know why she stopped to watch him but she did. Ignoring the fact that he was beautiful, graceful, and slender, a contrast to his ruggedly handsome and broad-shouldered friend, Spiderpaw was a good fighter.

He was always bested by his best friend, Rowanpaw, but Spiderpaw didn't seem to mind. In fact, it was Spiderpaw's way with words and younger cats that captured Minnowpaw's attention and drew in other cats like flies to a spider's web.

Huh. The connection in his hand to his skills was even more uncanny.

He paused after winning the training battle, sensing her presence. He offered a graceful dip of his head, effectively hiding his emotions. Despite how cool and collected the black and white tom seemed in front of her, Minnowpaw knew there was another side of him. But there were other sides of her clanmates too. He was not the only special one.

She started to pad away. It was not the time to listen to her heart. If she had already given up a tearful destiny, she needed to repay her debts back to StarClan. It was time to start observing and protecting all of her clanmates.


Good luck to everyone!

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