(3) Results for Olivepaw

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Olivebreeze ashfeather- ) 

"because she is a fast runner, and she likes to feel the wind on her back."

Olivegaze Brokenshadow2004 ) 

"because she likes to watch others fight and she is good at finding injuries."

Oliveflight Sunstruck_Pebbles ) 

"She loves to feel the wind on her back and dives like a bird in flight at the sight of an injury to heal it. She has risen to heights since she first became an apprentice, smart and skilled in both the way of a medicine cat and a warrior."

Olivesight AftertheSharpEyedJay ) 

•Her connection to StarClan and the ability to see visions.

•Her eye color.

•How she doesn't like to be cooped up, she would rather look at the world.

•How if you look through her grumpy and cranky outside, you will see her joyful and delightful inside.

•How she likes to watch cats hunt and train

•She could see cats' thoughts and feelings better than others

•She may dislike fire because it is bright and she doesn't want to look at it.

•For her keen eye for injuries

Olivestream ( WarriorCats09 )

"She appears rocky and cranky at first but inside she's really calm and gentle like the sound of running water. Water overpowers fire and streams are often found in the heart of nature, which she seems to have a connection to, especially if she loves the open. Finally, streams aren't usually as large/eye-catching as other parts of nature like rivers/waterfalls, which could account for her more observant nature, watching others instead of showing off herself."

Olivestorm ASDAilurophile ) 

 1. Her grumpiness 

2. Her fur color, and maybe her eye color can represent lightning XD 

3. Her dislike for fire and for StarClan (since a storm could easily quench a fire and storm clouds are dark enough to hide stars) 

4. She likes to feel the wind, and many kinds of storm do involve wind

Oliveblade Nightflower- ) 

"Because her eyes are as sharp as razors, glinting in a dusty black ocean, and her personality is able to pierce any heart it grazes. Handled with care and caution, the blade does no harm, but ignore its dignity and show a lack of respect, and you are sure to be cut. She is able to recognize her own, having an eye for the damage ones such as herself can inflict. Her claws are sharp, and she is often mistaken for a helpless medicine cat, but she will send whatever crosses her running back to where they came from."

Olivebird bunnycanwrite ) 

"From my experience, birds are able to sense emotion and feeling a little similarly to dogs or cats. She has a keen eye which birds (of prey) have. She is also swift which a lot of birds are. She could make an average warrior if she'd like, and thus I assume she is strong and a good hunter or fighter, similar to a bird. She enjoys being out in the open and feeling wind on her back (this is pretty self explanatory). She dislikes being cooped up and kept in one place, and birds most likely don't like that either. She can be grumpy, but also seems determined and secretively kind. Olivebird doesn't sound like a super cliche med cat name, and it would suit her if she decided to become a warrior instead."

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