(5) Whisperpaw >Closed<

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Name: Whisperpaw

Gender: tom

Appearance: lithe, jet-black tom with amber eyes and a scar near his left eye.

Personality: adventurous, loyal, and caring to all those close to him. However, he can be reckless and very defensive.

Strengths: Stalking (moves as quietly as a shadow)

Weaknesses: Fighting (While he is an exceptional hunter, he can only master the basic fighting moves perfectly.)

Mentor's Name: Larksight


Addertooth (Father, Deceased)

Rosepetal (Mother, Deceased)

Lilystep (Rosepetal's sister and acting queen to her kits)

Mosspaw (Brother, Alive)

Rainpaw (Sister, Alive)


YOU ARE ALLOWED to use names that are not shown in the actual series. However, they should make sense. Suffixes like "shard" sometimes make sense. However, other suffixes like "bacon" or anything silly does not.

TRY to fit her personality with the name. It gives you a chance at winning.

TRY to add a good reason why you name the she-cat.

UNIQUE NAMES are often winners of these games. However, you need to have good reason for it.

BONUS POINTS: If you are not lazy and want an even better chance at winning, create a backstory for your character to symbolize the name a bit more! Your competitors may have something you don't but if they don't have a backstory, you could beat them if you have one and they don't!



Whispersnake- ( KandyKittys )As quiet as a snake, the black tom slithered through the bushes, and crept up on his prey. He licked his lips. A plump squirrel. Just as he was about to pounce, Goldengash, his friend, jumped out."Watcha doing?" She asked. Whisperpaw sighed as the squirrel ran away. Goldengash noticed. "Oh, gosh, Whisperpaw," she started. "Im so sor-""YOU LET MY SQUIRREL GET AWAY!" Whisperpaw screeched. His amber eyes, shaped like a snakes, flashed in the moonlight. He bared his sparkling teeth and lunged at Goldengash. She moved quickly to the side, terrified. Whisperpaw grunted as he hit the leafy floor. Anger lit his gaze. He huskily got up, and tried the first move again. She dodged it again. He lunged. She dodged. Finally, he gave in. Goldengash sat down, and he did the same. She licked his scar, pink and raw, shaped like a snake. Whisperpaw's heart beat like a ferocious snake. Was that....love...?-He stalks like a snake, and slithers through the bushes.-His scar is shaped like a snake.-His eyes look like snake eyes.-His heart beats like a ferocious snake.


Whispershadow- ( Copy & Pasted from iiWhisperSky 's comment)The forest danced in the midnight wind, a lithe, black shadow crept through the undergrowth, its body blending into the heavily shaded forest. Whisperpaw sniffed as the wind blew harder, the trees shaking ferociously. His scar stung from his recent training in the Dark Forest, Hawkfrost had many plans for him as a warrior soon. The leaves rustled loudly as a furry shape flew out of the trees and onto Whisperpaw's back. Pain seared through Whisperpaw as he shook himself free, as he turned to face his attacker. He tilted his head, "Shadedpaw? What are you doing out here?" His heart fluttered at the beautiful dark brown she-cat. Her dazzling blue eyes shined in the dark, "Whisperpaw? I'm so sorry! I thought you were a trespasser! This wind is really messing my senses up." She nuzzled his cheek, as his head flicked back, "Ouch!" He snapped, a cut right under his eye was bleeding. Shadedpaw's eyes grew wide as she sniffed the wound, licking it clean gently, "Ouch, that looks like it hurt," She looked around, "We should head back to camp now." Whisperpaw looked up at her, "Alright, but I'll meet you there... I" He stammered, thinking of an excuse, "I have to go make dirt, and I'm kind of thirsty." Shadedpaw nodded at Whisperpaw, her eyes filled with some type of emotion, "Okay, I'll be waiting in the den." Whisperpaw watched Shadedpaw bound off into the forest, he took off running in the other direction. He had to get to the edge of NightClan territory, Hawkfrost would be waiting for him there. He had to get there quick... time was running out...Anyways! That was something! So the reasons for his prefix were:-He is a pretty low-key shady character in my short story, like a shadow he hangs low-His pelt seems to blend into the night, some cats mistake him for the shadow of trees and sometimes he cannot be seen at all in the night-Like a shadow he watches over the cats he cares/loves



Whisperspark -because of his reckless personality, he earned the name Whisperspark

Backstory:"Whisperpaw!!" Rainpaw came recklessly running through the trees, yowling my name at the top of her lungs, "WHISPERPAW!!!!!"I whipped around to face her, "What?!" I hissed.She stopped, "What is it?""You scared that rabbit away! And StarClan knows we need that prey to last leaf-bare.Rainpaw pulled away from me, "Fine, Sparky."I rolled my eyes as I started sniffing for prey once again. There was a mouse near by. Then her words seemed to finally reach my ears, "Sparky?!""Yeah," she mumbled, "When you get angry, your eyes kind of glow like they're amber sparks drifting through the air..."I nodded, "Oh..." And I didn't pay attention to another word she said after that. I was thinking about the words the rest of the day.



Whisperstep- Because he is good at stalking


Whisperpaw was stalking a squirrel, tail as still as a board, pawsteps so light you couldn't hear them. As he was approaching, he heard the faint sound of pawsteps, heavy pawsteps coming towards him. He quickly leaped and killed the squirrel with one quick bite to the neck. Whisperpaw whipped around to see Burntpaw and some warriors fox-lengths away."Can you guys be any louder!?" Whisperpaw hissed, "I almost missed that squirrel because of you's!""Sorry." Burntpaw said with a troubled look on his face. "We couldn't find you in the rain and it's kinda important so we need to head to camp.""Fine." Whisperpaw hissed angry that he almost missed that squirrel.---later at camp---"And from now on you will be known as Whisperstep!" Beestar rang out."Whisperstep!" The clan cheered.'Why Whisperstep?' He thinks to himself but as if Burntpaw read his mind he called out "Do you know why you're called Whisperstep?"He shakes his head since he cannot talk."It's because nothing can hear you with THAT kind of stalking. I think that squirrel couldn't even hear you." Burntpaw finishes with a mrrow of laughter.Whisperstep purrs in response to know why he is called what he is.Reason why for the suffix(?)--His stalking in like a shadow quiet



Whispernose: He is good at hunting.



PARTICIPATING AWARD: Everyone that does not win a 2nd place or 1st place award receives an award of 3 votes on a RANDOM story.

2ND PLACE: receives a SHOUT-OUT on my message board or your message board and receive 3 votes on a story OF YOUR CHOICE.

1ST PLACE: same as 2ND PLACE but with 5 votes instead of 3.



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