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Yawning, I tossed several baby wipes into the little paper trash can on the other side of Justin's bedroom, my body covered by nothing more than one of his shirts as he took a phone call in the living room. Faintly, the sound of a Miguel album played through his apartment - ironically, it was the song Pussy Is Mine.

I did not intend on staying the night with him.

I thought he would have told me to leave the moment he came, but he didn't - instead, he decided to throw in the little remark about me being the little spoon, knowing that resisting an offer as such would be foolish of me.

"Hey, promise me something?" Justin ran his fingers through his hair as he tossed his phone onto the bed, followed by getting into his bed, patting the empty space beside of him, coaxing me into lay with him; "You have to promise me that no matter what, you will never become a nagging, whining, self centered, boring bitch like that sister of yours." he spat, pushing back the covers of his king sized bed.

Awkwardly, I glanced at him, frowning; "How can you list her as those things, yet be marrying her?"

Justin sighed, pulling me towards him, his hands taking me by surprise as they were placed firmly on my waist, tucking my leg over his without asking me if it was okay to do so first; "Because, Kylie." he rolled his eyes, the smell of mint tooth paste prominent on his breath.

Luckily, he keeps a spare, unused, toothbrush in the guest room, so my breath wasn't riddled with the smell of alcohol, or the taste of cum.

"Because of what?" I mumbled, my cheeks flushing pink with the way we were mangled against one another, his topless torso captivating my vision.

As a deep sigh escaped his lips, he frowned; "Well, to cut the long story short, my proposal to her was my way of gaining back the trust I had lost and tainted." he ran his tongue across his bottom lip as he trailed his finger down my thigh; "You may be innocent, but you're far from an idiot, and you of all people know what I was like - and probably witnessed first hand how it hurt Sammy." he rose both eyebrows, hinting towards the information most people knew all too well about.

He was once at a private party in a club, the same club I happened to be in while using fake ID, and I caught him making out with one of the waitresses before leaving with her. I probably should have told Samantha about how I had seen him cheating on her out in the open.

But, at the time, we weren't on speaking terms because she stole my favorite pair of shorts and then ruined them without telling me.

"But you're marrying her, Justin." I was unable to follow the method behind his madness; "You do not propose to somebody to gain back their trust - you do it because you want to spend the rest of your life with them - sickness and health, for better or worse." he has always struck me as the kind of guy who acts without thinking.

Justin shrugged; "Yeah, maybe so." his eyes lingered on my lips; "But Sammy wants to be married fast - as in, this year kind of fast. I am twenty two years of age. I do not want to be married until I am at least twenty five. I wanted a long engagement, one that actually gives me a chance to build on our relationship and fill in the cracks that have been broken over the course of time." he pulled me even closer towards him, causing me to stop breathing for a mere moment.

I had never been so close to a guy before - everything about it was intimidating to me, especially since the alcohol was beginning to leave my system, causing me to sober up.

"Oh." I uttered, not knowing what to do with my hands, so they remained by my side in an awkward manner.

Despite the way we were wrapped up next to one another, a silence filled with tension stunned the air around us.

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