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As if calling out the wrong name during a night of passion with a complete stranger wasn't enough to send Justin into what felt like a complete and utter silent breakdown with himself, he had found himself laid wide awake at five in the morning for the past six nights, following dreams that consist of nothing but him throwing Kylie down onto a bed, tearing her clothes off as if the world is moments away from ending, her legs wrapping around his waist as she screams out his name in pleasure, each dream ending with him breathing heavily beside her, holding her hand as he nuzzles her neck, uttering Kylie? under his breath, gaining a smile look of recognition from her. He forces himself to wake up at that exact point, knowing exactly what words are moments away from leaving his mouth.

He refuses to let them leave his mouth, even if it is during the middle of a heated dream. He refuses to let his dream personae confirm something that is completely and utterly wrong. Especially after he was sat around the dinner table with the Monroe's merely two days ago, listening to Kylie arguing with Samantha over how just because Matty has been walking her home after school it doesn't mean they are sleeping together.

But in his mind, that meant they were sleeping together - that it would only be a matter of time before he opens the front door to Kylie stood with a smile on her face, seconds away from informing him that she had finally lost her virginity and if it wasn't for his help, she wouldn't have had the confidence to do so.

"Justin, are you listening?" he snapped out of his thoughts at the sound of Samantha's bark, jumping at the connection of her hand on his arm, it taking him a second or so to realize that he had been ignoring everything that she was saying.

"Hm?" he rose both eyebrows, looking around the little coffee shop slash cafe they were in having Lunch.

Samantha rolled her eyes, leaning back in her chair as she chewed neatly on her sausage, bacon and egg sandwich, knowing that he wasn't listening to her, he never listens when she has bridal magazines out in front of her. It's as though he see's a wedding dress and completely zones out, blocking out everything around him.

"You weren't listening." she mumbled, sipping from her iced tea;"-shocker." it wasn't the first time he had completely ignored her and found himself lost in thought.

"Yes I was." he lied, feeling his phone ringing in his pocket; "You were droning on and on about how you want a lace dress with no veil because you think it looks tacky, you want crystals on the bustier part of the dress, and you want satin white louboutins to wear with it." even though he wasn't listening, he knew what she wanted - he has heard her bang on about it for months.

And the funniest part of her demands were the fact that she was expecting him to pay for it all - openly admitting he is a millionaire is most definitely his biggest downfall.

"Oh, maybe you were listening." she looked him up and down, a smirk on her face; "But you missed the part about wanting to be married in New York." she batted her eyelashes at him, hopeful he would agree because he hates confrontation.

"You can dream on." he replied with no expression in his voice, folding his arms across his chest.

"But-" she pouted, not expecting him to turn down her wishes.

"Oh I'm sorry, it must have slipped my mind that it's you paying for this wedding." he remarked, utter sarcasm laced his words; "Shit, wait - you're not? I am. And if you want to get married in New York then you can find somebody who is dumb enough to fly you to new york to marry you." he shrugged, ignoring the fact he sounded bitter.

But he wasn't bitter, he was frustrated with the fact that even as he was sat in front of the girl he was once willing to spend the rest of his life with, all he could think about was her.

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