twenty eight.

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Letting out a deep breath, Kylie felt the stares as she slowly made her way down the corridor, the whispers barely audible and yet the sound of them consumed her mind, knowing that in a matter of days she had become the topic of every conversation - word had spread like wild fire, the judgments soaring through the roof, laughter of disbelief and exaggerated rumors is all she could expect to be faced with, not a single soul understood why she did it, blaming her for everything even though they knew Justin was the adult in the situation, he should have been the one to put a stop to it.

Even Amber had sided with those who were judging her, now that she knew the extent of the situation, how Samantha had been left to feel completely torn apart, finding out that her fiance was more invested in having an undercover, secretive, disgusting fling with her sister, than he was their engagement, their relationship that spread across numerous years.

Kylie had nobody.

Everybody was against her.

And it didn't help that has she walked out of her bedroom that morning, she was greeted with an engagement ring being lobbed towards her, it hitting her face harder than one would expect, followed by the hostile words you can give this back to that prick you love so much, or keep it, you tend to enjoy taking what is mine from Samantha as tears streamed down her face and she milked the pain she was feeling.

"You have got to be kidding me." Jacinta mumbled as she turned the corner, faced with the sight of Kylie stood by her locker, not expecting to see her in school; "Kylie!" she shouted, picking up the pace of her walk as she stormed towards her, her face riddled with frustration.

Gulping, Kylie cautiously closed her locker door, knowing that if Jacinta didn't despise her enough to begin with, she definitely did after finding out about her and her brother.

"You have just destroyed a relationship, completely ruined the relationship my brother has with our parents, but you're here, in school, like nothing has happened?" Jaz rose her voice, enticing the attention of everybody in the corridor in her direction; "Are you completely deluded or do you really think you have done nothing wrong?" her anger was evident.

Holding her books close to her chest, Kylie pursed her lips together; "Last time I checked, the entire school knowing my business isn't grounds for me to stop getting an education." her intent wasn't to be sarcastic, yet her words left her mouth in such a sarcastic fashion that her eyes instantly rolled without warning.

"Your business?" Jacinta gawped, laughing in shock; "Your business involves you fucking my brother. Just because my parents don't agree with what he has done he has stopped talking to them. He is choosing you over everything else and you are going to stand there and claim that it is your business?"

Feeling her body tensing up, Kylie stepped backwards; "We didn't mean for it to go this far."

"We?" her voice rose, it reaching an almost shrieking noise; "God, you two genuinely have no braincells, even more so him but're disgusting. You have no respect for yourself, clearly you have no morals, and the fact you would do this to your own sister - you sicken me."

For a moment, it seemed to have slipped Jacinta's mind that her opinions meant nothing to Kylie - never have they seen eye to eye, never have they had a friendship, why would she care about the opinion of somebody who she doesn't like to begin with?

"But the fact you think your opinion is going to bother me clearly proves that you have no braincells." she stepped aside, realizing that if she was going to attempt to make it through a day of school she had to at least stand her ground.

Jacinta stepped in her way, needing an outlet for the anger she was feeling, an anger that only existed because she had been sitting around the house for the past few days, listening to her parents arguing over what Justin had done, neither of them knowing how they were supposed to defend him; "Stay away from my brother, Kylie." she rose her hand, clenching her fingers together before she put an umpteen amount of force behind the slap that she induced on the pale cheek before her; "You've already managed to cause more trouble that you're worth, and sooner or later he will realize that."

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